2、把服务器的环境变量添加到jenkins Node Properties > Environment variables > 键值对列表 3、在commod 命令行中使用绝对路径 /home/node-v14.18.1-linux-x64/bin/npm run build
一、npm: command not found 节后余生,开工发现运行 npm run dev失败 然后运行其他命令显示: Error: You have not agreed to the Xcode license. Please resolve this by running: sudo xcodebuild -license -bash: /nvm.sh: No such file or directory 怀疑是xcode的问题, 首先按照提示:sudo xcodebuild -lic...
然而,现在,当command shift p、Tasks: Run task、npm build时,我会收到以下错误消息: 执行任务: npm安装< /bin/bash: npm:命令未找到终端进程以退出代码: 127终止终端将被任务重用,按任意键关闭它。 在终端中,节点和npm运行良好。我甚至试着运行/bin/bash; node -v,它运行得很好。 浏览0提问于2019-04-...
"scripts": { "start": "nodemon --watch main.js --exec 'electron .'", "pack": "electron-builder --dir", "dist": "electron-builder" }, 必须要这么写才能打包,如果只写dist:"build"就会报上面那个错误,package.json其他内容都和老师的一样。请老师帮我解惑下,为撒老师那么写就可以打包。 回复 ...
/root/yii2_fecshop_docker/app/npm-debug.log [root@iZmjedkdjkvuw9Z app]# cnpm install -bash: cnpm: command not found [root@iZmjedkdjkvuw9Z app]# npm run dev npm ERR! Linux 3.10.0-693.2.2.el7.x86_64 npm ERR! argv "/usr/bin/node" "/usr/bin/npm" "run" "dev" npm ERR! nod...
今天学习了rsync的同步操作,本打算往服务器同步一些数据,于是报了一下错误: ➜ ~ rsync -r /...
"build": "webpack --config webpack.config.js" 修改为 "build": "webpack --mode development" 2,修改webpack.config.js中代码 顶部添加 const { VueLoaderPlugin } = require('vue-loader'); 将【module】中新增【css】以及末尾添加【plugins】 修改为: module: { rules: [{ test: /.vue$/, load...
FROMbitnami/node:16.17.0-debian-11-r6 as xxx-uiWORKDIR/appCOPYpackage.json ./RUNnpm installCOPY. /appRUNnpm run build It's failing with an error onnpm install. What is the expected behavior? The expected behavior is thatnpm installshould work and all dependencies in package json should be...
[username@server proj]$ bower install -S Wicket bower Wicket#* cached https://github.com/arthur-e/Wicket.git#1.3.2 bower Wicket#* validate 1.3.2 against https://github.com/arthur-e/Wicket.git#* [username@server proj]$ cd vendor/Wicket [username@server proj]$ npm run build ...
vue 安装成功,项目创建也成功了,执行npm run dev就失败了,失败结果 > test1@1.0.0 dev /Users/ann/test1 > webpack-dev-server --inline --progress --config build/webpack.dev.conf.js sh: webpack-dev-server: command not found npm ERR! file sh ...