npm install react-hooks-global-state Usage setState style importReactfrom'react';import{createGlobalState}from'react-hooks-global-state';constinitialState={count:0};const{useGlobalState}=createGlobalState(initialState);constCounter=()=>{const[count,setCount]=useGlobalState('count');return(Counter:...
import{useLocalStorage}from'@perymimon/react-hooks/useStorage';functionDemo(){const[value,setValue]=useLocalStorage('name','perymimon');return(setValue(}/>);} import{useSessionStorage}from'@perymimon/react-hooks/useStorage';functionDemo(){const[value,setValue]=useSessionStorage('n...
- Mismatching Versions of React and React DOM React DOM 版本与 React 不匹配(低于16.8.0),也排除了。(见下图) - Duplicate React 意外地引入了两个 React ,还是排除了。(见下图) 检查测试项目依赖树 而且我的轮子库的 package.json 中对 react 和 react-dom 的版本设置也是符合要求的: { // ... "d...
由于react官方的Suspense还未支持ssr,Async Rendering也还未实现,所以目前还无法在使用hooks的同时,实现【只渲染一次的】由组件触发数据拉取的方案(所有依赖custom react tree traversal的方案,它们都会出现上述hooks的错误)。 之所以大部分解决方案需要custom react tree traversal来实现由组件触发数据拉取,是因为为了性能优...
hooks can only be called inside the bodyofafunctioncomponent ❝NPM 组件 和你的项目使用了 React Hooks 的情况,React 会报致命异常。(原因是 React Hooks 依赖上下文,所以全局只能使用一个,即使是版本完全一样的,官方推荐的解决方法 React 错误提示[2]) ❞ ...
$ npm install --save react-countdown-hook Using yarn: $ yarn add react-countdown-hook Quick Start importReactfrom'react';importuseCountDownfrom'react-countdown-hook';constinitialTime=60*1000;// initial time in milliseconds, defaults to 60000constinterval=1000;// interval to change remaining ti...
publishConfig: Depend on your package name: //A"name": "some-react-hooks"//B"name": "@zhentiw/some-react-hooks"//@<user-name>/package-name If you are using B version, it default to a private npm package, if you want to make it public: ...
react-query-a request libraryreact hooks React Query will help you get, synchronize, update, and cache your remote data. It provides two simple hooks to complete operations such as adding, deleting, modifying, and querying. It handles thecachingand more things out of the box. It is simple,...
【React 动态】React Router 6 新特性 React Router 最近发布了 6.x 的 beta 版本,相信很快将会发布正式版。作为 React 生态的重要组成部分,React Router 被广泛用于各 React 项目中。本次的升级将会引入哪些新特性、又是否会带来非兼容性改动呢?本文详细介绍了 React Router 6 的各项具体改动,其中 Route/Link ...
The test-runner is web based and therefore won't work with @storybook/react-native directly. However, if you use the React Native Web Storybook Addon, you can run the test-runner against the web-based Storybook generated with that addon. In that case, things would work the same way....