rc-motion React lifecycle controlled motion library. Live Demo https://react-component.github.io/motion/ Install Example importCSSMotionfrom'rc-motion';exportdefault({visible})=>(<CSSMotionvisible={visible}motionName="my-motion">{({className,style})=>}</CSSMotion>); API CSSMotion PropertyType...
处理之后的 的响应 { "_id": "antd", "keywords": [ "ant", "component", "components", "design", "framework", "frontend", "react", "react-component", "ui" ], "dist-tags": { "latest": "4.24.8" }, "description": "An enterpri...
rc-motion@2.9.5 🌞 🌛 首页 产物预览 依赖信息 版本列表 下载趋势2.9.5 latestrc-motion 1 / 5Copyright © npmmirror.com | 浙ICP备15033595号-63 npmmirror 镜像站
openAnimation{enter:function,leave:function}|Stringanimate when sub menu open or close. see rc-motion for object type. openTransitionStringcss transitionName when sub menu open or close subMenuOpenDelayNumber0delay time to show popup sub menu. unit: s ...
npm install @nextui-org/react framer-motion npm error code ERESOLVE npm error ERESOLVE unable to resolve dependency tree npm error npm error While resolving: classroom_application@0.1.0 npm error Found: react@19.0.0-rc-66855b96-20241106 ...
可以是一个 .prettierrc 文件,使用 JSON 或 YAML 格式编写。 也可以是 .prettierrc.json,.prettierrc.yml,.prettierrc.yaml,或.prettierrc.json5 文件。 还可以使用 .prettierrc.js、.prettierrc.cjs、prettier.config.js 或prettier.config.cjs 通过module.exports 导出。 一个.prettierrc.toml 文件。
openMotion object set the animation of open behavior, [more](https://github.com/react-component/motion). Different with v2, closed pane use a `rc-collapse-content-hidden` class to set `display: none` for hidden. forceRender booleanfalse forced render of content in panel, not lazy render af...
motion-management.yml multiple-accounts-one-workstation.yml nested-reusable-workflow.yml oidc-for-emu.yml only-notify-requested-members.yml org-owners-limit-forks-creation.yml org-profile-pin-private.yml organization-invitation-enhancements.yml packages-npm-v2.yml packages-nuget-v2.yml...
4.ant motion 为React提供的一款界面动画特效,包含多种动画组件:单元素、css样式、进出场、文字、页面滚动、banner。 npm $ npm install rc-tween-one --save $ npm install rc-animate --save $ npm install rc-queue-anim --save $ npm install rc-texty --save $ npm install rc-scroll-anim --save...
{ "name": "店铺活动列表", "pathName": "pages/extended/material/promotion/index", "query": "", "scene": null }, { "name": "车辆介绍列表", "pathName": "pages/extended/material/vehicle/index", "query": "", "scene": null }, { "name": "一键拉群", "pathName": "pages/product...