npm install quill-mention --save Install withYarn: yarn add quill-mention Import package import"quill-mention/autoregister"; Importing quill-mention automatically adds it to Quill modules. Now you only need to pass quill-mention config to quill. ...
GitHub Releases are for when releasing a new version of Quill-Mention etc. but we are not using that today. Would be good if we could start using that since that would enable us to have release notes: Author csculley comment...
^4.5.0 ->4.5.1 optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin: ^5.0.3 ->5.0.8 prop-types: ^15.7.2 ->15.8.1 quill-mention: ^3.0.0 ->3.1.0 react-beautiful-dnd: ^13.0.0 ->13.1.1 react-hotkeys-hook: ^3.4.6 ->3.4.7 react-popper: ^2.2.4 ->2.3.0 react-router-dom: ^5.1.2 ->5.3....
A Material-UI (MUI) styled WYSIWYG rich text editor, using Tiptap. Latest version: 1.18.0, last published: 13 days ago. Start using mui-tiptap in your project by running `npm i mui-tiptap`. There are 3 other projects in the npm registry using mui-tiptap.
quill-mention @mentions for the Quill rich text editor quill mentions autocomplete mention madspindel •6.0.2•3 months ago•78dependents•MITpublished version6.0.2,3 months ago78dependentslicensed under $MIT 476,187 1 2 3 … 50
quill draftjs slate sjdemartini• 1.17.1 • a month ago • 3 dependents • MITpublished version 1.17.1, a month ago3 dependents licensed under $MIT 136,537 prosemirror-dev-toolkit Injectable dev tools for ProseMirror editors prosemirror svelte dev devtools typescript inspector tekk• 1.1...
quill draftjs slate sjdemartini •1.18.0•11 days ago•3dependents•MITpublished version1.18.0,11 days ago3dependentslicensed under $MIT 130,562 @remirror/extension-react-tables Create tables with nested react components. ifiokjr
mention react twitter url nfrasser •4.2.0•3 months ago•397dependents•MITpublished version4.2.0,3 months ago397dependentslicensed under $MIT 7,253,612 quill-mention @mentions for the Quill rich text editor quill mentions autocomplete ...
quill draftjs slate sjdemartini •1.17.1•a month ago•3dependents•MITpublished version1.17.1,a month ago3dependentslicensed under $MIT 136,357 @blocknote/core A "Notion-style" block-based extensible text editor built on top of Prosemirror and Tiptap. ...
The Quill rich-text editor as a React component. react react-component rich text rich-text textarea quill alexkrolick •2.0.0•3 years ago•959dependents•MITpublished version2.0.0,3 years ago959dependentslicensed under $MIT 2,802,108 ...