NOTE: ❗ you don't needquill-image-drop-module, it's included in this package ❗ Quickstart importImageCompressfrom'quill-image-compress';Quill.register('modules/imageCompress',ImageCompress);constquill=newQuill(editor,{// ...modules:{// ...imageCompress:{quality:0.7,// defaultmaxWidth:...
Instantiate a new Quill object with a css selector for the div that should become the editor. <!-- Include Quill stylesheet --><!-- Create the toolbar container -->BoldItalic<!-- Create the editor container -->Hello World!Some initialboldtext<!-- Include the Quill library -->...
要将npm安装的Quill版本从2.0.0-dev.4回退到1.0版本,你可以按照以下步骤进行操作: 卸载当前安装的Quill版本: 使用以下命令来卸载当前安装的Quill版本: bash npm uninstall quill 安装指定的Quill 1.0版本: 使用以下命令来安装Quill的1.0版本。你可以指定一个具体的1.0版本,例如1.3.6(这里只是举例,请根据需要选择合适...
npm i quill@1.3.7 更新到具体某个版本 3,删除模块 npm uninstall quill 删除quill 依赖,但不删除模块留在package.json中的对应信息 npm uninstall quill --save 删除quill 依赖,同时删除模块留在package.json中dependencies下的对应信息 npm uninstall quill --save-dev 删除模块,同时删除模块留在package.json中dev...
npm install quill@1.3.7 --legacy-bundling npm install -g npm-pack-all npm-pack-all 全局装一次就ok了 cd node_modules cd quill npm-pack-all 打包生成会自动带上版本号 将生成的 quill-1.3.7.tgz copy到内网机器进行发布 内网机器(nexus私服) ...
1、下载Vue-Quill-Editor npm install vue-quill-editor --save 2、如果还不行,下载quill(Vue-Quill-Editor需要依赖) npm install quill --save 3、全局引入 import 'quill/dist/quill.core.css' import 'quill/dist/quill.snow.css' import 'quill/dist/quill.bubble.css' ...
quill 2.0.3 All files /npm/quill@2.0.3/blots 1.2K /npm/quill@2.0.3/assets /npm/quill@2.0.3/core 2K /npm/quill@2.0.3/dist 7.3M /npm/quill@2.0.3/formats 577 /npm/quill@2.0.3/modules 845 /npm/quill@2.0.3/themes 179 /npm/quill@2.0.3/ui 94 /npm/quill...
npm install --save @antv/g2 3.Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'quill/dist/quill.bubble.css' in '/www/wwwroot/demo/client-master/src' npm install quill --save 4.Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'vue-quill-editor' in '/www/wwwroot/demo/client-master/src' ...
Converts Quill's delta ops to HTML Version0.12.1LicenseISC INSTALL Type:ESMDefault Version: Static No default JS fileset by the package authorso the URL is guessed. You can alwaysbrowse all package filesto use another one. Quill Delta...
Unfortunately, since the Quill project has effectively stopped being maintained,vue-quill-editorwill beDEPRECATEDand will no longer support Vue3; if you’re looking for a rich text editor, I recommend migrating totiptap, which is a much better alternative. ...