如果你确定你的包名没有被占用,还有一种可能是本地测试的时候link过或安装过,缓存中已经存在该包,但是测试的时候信息不一致造成的,删除用户npm目录下的自己的包,尝试重新publish。 5. Request Entity Too Large 这种一般是因为包目录下包含了多余的或者不需要上传到npmjs的文件,在包目录下新建一个.npmignore忽略了...
如果你确定你的包名没有被占用,还有一种可能是本地测试的时候link过或安装过,缓存中已经存在该包,但是测试的时候信息不一致造成的,删除用户npm目录下的自己的包,尝试重新publish。 5. Request Entity Too Large 这种一般是因为包目录下包含了多余的或者不需要上传到npmjs的文件,在包目录下新建一个.npmignore忽略了...
Describe the bug Getting a 413 when trying to publish. I have an npmignore set up to only include dist/*. I have replaced my module name, urls, and usernames in the output. Note that I did try the 'max_body_size' change, to no avail. My ...
# you can specify usernames/groupnames (depending on your auth plugin) # and three keywords: "$all", "$anonymous", "$authenticated" access: $all # allow all known users to publish packages # (anyone can register by default, remember?) publish: $authenticated # if package is not availabl...
# increase it if you have "request entity too large" errors #max_body_size: 1mb # http请求body大小 修改uplinks及listen值,同上,重启sinopia 如果想引用别的配置文件,请通过sinopia -c <配置文件>指定 最后更改npm源地址为私有库地址 $ npm set registry http://{服务器ip}:4873/# 内网测试可行(外...
<Problem.Type> Problem.REQUEST_TIMEOUT <Problem.Type> Problem.CONFLICT <Problem.Type> Problem.GONE <Problem.Type> Problem.LENGTH_REQUIRED <Problem.Type> Problem.PRECONDITION_FAILED <Problem.Type> Problem.REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE <Problem.Type> Problem.REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG <Problem.Type> Problem.UN...
413: Request Entity Too Large 414: Request-URI Too Long 415: Unsupported Media Type 416: Requested Range Not Satisfiable 417: Expectation Failed 426: Upgrade Required 428: Precondition Required 429: Too Many Requests 431: Request Header Fields Too Large ...
publish: $authenticated #if package is not available locally, proxy requests to 'npmjs' registry proxy: npmjs #log settings logs: - {type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http} #- {type: file, path: sinopia.log, level: info}
回到终端,让我们首先通过运行命令登录到 npm: $ npm login 我们将被要求输入用户名、密码和电子邮件。 添加后,我们就成功登录了! 现在到最后一步,让我们运行命令来发布我们的包: $ npm publish 瞧! 你刚刚发布了一个 npm 包🎉
If there’s no source JavaScript code at all, for example if you’re writing helper types or types for a spec, you should publish the types yourself, not on Definitely Typed. Because they’re meant to provide types for existing JavaScript code,@typespackages are not meant to be imported ...