The npm public registry is powered by a CouchDB database, of which there is a public mirror at The registry URL used is determined by the scope of the package (seescope. If no scope is specified, the default registry is used, which is supplied by th...
Use thenpm searchcommand to show everything that's available in the public registry. Usenpm lsto show everything you've installed. Dependencies If a package lists a dependency using a git URL, npm will install that dependency using thegitcommand and will generate an error if it is not inst...
Bring the best of open source to you, your team, and your company Relied upon by more than 17 million developers worldwide, npm is committed to making JavaScript development elegant, productive, and safe. The free npm Registry has become the center of JavaScript code sharing, and with more ...
url: yarn: url: cnpm: url: taobao: url: 或者你闲麻烦,直接替换为: 5 重新起下verdaccio 服务 /root/node-v12.16.1-linux-x64/bin/verdaccio 阿里云服务器安全组配置下此4873端...
$ npm login --registry http://myregistry Username: jdxcode Password: Email: (this IS public) $ npm whoami --registry http://myregistry jdxcode This stores the credentials in~/.npmrc. You can now usenpm publishto publish packages. ...
$ npm install -g cnpm --registry= 或者你直接通过添加 npm 参数 alias 一个新命令: alias cnpm="npm --registry= \ --cache=$HOME/.npm/.cache/cnpm \ --disturl= \ --userconfig=$HOME/.cnpmrc"...
#.npmrc@myco:registry='' importregistryUrlfrom'registry-url';console.log(registryUrl('@myco'));//=> '' If the provided scope is not in the user's.npmrcfile, thenregistry-urlwill check for the existence ofregistry, or if that's ...
npm访问总是直接在当前注册表上操作,可以使用--registry=从命令行进行其他注册表配置<registry url>。 未作用域的包始终是公共的。 作用域包默认为受限的,但您可以使用npm publish --access=public将其发布为public,或者在初始发布后使用npm access public将其访问权限设置为public。
然后我在本地登录npm login --registry= --scope=@cnpm,登陆后,获取自己私有仓库的包成功。 但是在获取public 包时发生错误,并没有像你说的,请求代理到npm,还需要额外配置什么吗? 例如:运行npm install lodash --save, 获取lodash public 包发生错误如下: ...
To simplify configuration Nexus Repository supports aggregation of npm registries into a single group. This allows you to expose all the external packages from the npm registry and other public registries as well as the private registries as one registry, which greatly simplifies client configuration....