province第一位表示:华北区1,东北区2,华东区3,中南区4,西南区5,西北区6。 如湖北省 -> 42以4开头,表示为中南区。 获取城市数据 constcity=require('province-city-china/dist/city.json');// city 输出 ===>[{"code":"01","name":"石家庄市","province":"13"},{"code":"02","name":"唐山市...
npm install @province-city-china/utils --save-dev const{data,province,city,area,town}=require('province-city-china/utils'); data- 总数据(省/地/县/乡) province- 省级(省/直辖市/特别行政区) city- 地级(城市) area- 县级(区县) town- 乡级(乡镇/街) ...
Provinces, cities, counties, or districts of PRC(People's Republic of China). Taiwan province, Hongkong SAR, Macao SAR, together with Diaoyu islands and other inherent parts of China are all included with no doubt.","main":"all.min.json","scripts":{"test":"echo \"Error: no test speci...
this.monitorIp = ""; // 用户的IP地址 = "china"; // 用户所在国家 this.province = ""; // 用户所在省份 = ""; // 用户所在城市 // 用户自定义信息, 由开发者主动传入, 便于对线上进行准确定位 this.userId = USER_INFO.userId; this.firstUserParam = USER_INFO.firs...
,// 当选择的区发生改变时触发districtId(){// 触发一个名为 change 的 Vue 事件,事件的值就是当前选中的省市区名称,格式为数组this.$emit('change',[this.provinces[this.provinceId],this.cities[this.cityId],this.districts[this.districtId]]);},},// 组件初始化时会调用这个方法created(){this.set...
省市县级联效果 选择插件:element-china-area-data,方便快捷。 安装插件:npminstallelement-china-area-data-S(如果该命令安装失败,则将..., CodeToText, TextToCode } from 'element-china-area-data' 说明:1)provinceAndCityData是省市二级联动数据(不带“ ...
length}, city: ${cities.length}, county: ${counties.length} total: ${fileContent.length}, province: ${provinces.length}, city: ${ url: ${requestOptions(url)} cities.length }, county: ${counties.length} url: ${JSON.stringify(url)} ...
KEY);// Use the search method to search the database based on the provided IP;// The returned string format is "Country–Province–City–Region ISP". If the search fails, it will return null.console.log(region);// China–Hong Kong PCCW Limited...
length}, city: ${cities.length}, county: ${counties.length} url: ${requestOptions(url)} total: ${fileContent.length}, province: ${provinces.length}, city: ${ cities.length }, county: ${counties.length} url: ${JSON.stringify(url)} file: ${filename}.json --- `; console.lo...
(81772925, 81972569, 81672665, 81672273, 81702761, 81972623, 81702890, and 81703060), the Sci-Tech Project Foundation of Guangzhou City (201607020038), the Guangdong Esophageal Cancer Institute Science and Technology Program (M201802), and the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province (2017A...