The options to pass for formatting withprettier. If not provided,prettier-eslintwill attempt to create the options based on theeslintConfig(whether that's provided or derived viafilePath). You can also providesomeof the options and have the remaining options derived via your eslint config. Thi...
Configuration (new:eslint.config.js) Forflat configuration, this plugin ships with aneslint-plugin-prettier/recommendedconfig that sets up botheslint-plugin-prettierandeslint-config-prettierin one go. Importeslint-plugin-prettier/recommendedand add it as thelastitem in the configuration array in yo...
No, ESLint and Prettier have different jobs: ESLint is a linter (looking for problematic patterns) and Prettier is a code formatter. Using both tools is common, refer to Prettier's documentation to learn how to configure them to work well with each other.What ECMAScript versions does ES...
npm init prettier-eslint 生成的exlintrc文件如下 module.exports \= { parserOptions: { ecmaVersion: 2017, sourceType: 'module', ecmaFeatures: { jsx: true }, }, extends: \['eslint:recommended', 'prettier', 'plugin:react/recommended'\], plugins: \['prettier', 'react'\], rules: { 'pret...
reactreact-with-prettier sveltesvelte-with-prettier Presets Presets are a way to generate ESLint configurations that use the plugin by passing a few options. Next.js Allows you to generate a configuration for a Next.js project with TypeScript: ...
.eslintrc.cjs chore: setup refresh Nov 1, 2024 .gitignore chore: setup refresh Nov 1, 2024 .npmignore build: remove package.json deps and devdeps when publishing CJS packages Jan 8, 2023 .npmrc chore: migrate from yarn to npm Dec 6, 2022 ...
eslint.config.js chore(prettier): update configuration to disable semicolons (#159) Oct 31, 2024 package.json build(npm): update dev script for improved development workflow (#162) Oct 31, 2024 pnpm-lock.yaml build(npm): bump typescript-eslint from 8.11.0 to 8.12.2 (#165) ... 50.Prettier Prettier 是一款风格鲜明的代码格式化程序。它通过解析代码并使用自己的规则(限定最大行长)对代码进行重新输出,借此实现统一的样式;亦可在必要时对代码进行打包。 项目链接: ...
"eslint-config-prettier": "^8.0.0", "stylelint-declaration-block-no-ignored-properties": "^2.1.0", "yaml-front-matter": "^4.0.0", "@ant-design/hitu": "^0.0.0-alpha.13", "@types/jest-image-snapshot": "^5.1.0", "remark": "^14.0.1", "isomorphic-fetch": "^3.0.0", "pr...
(for development servers and other tooling),PostCSS(for transforming one syntax into another);Autoprefixer(which can be a PostCSS plugin for CSS vendor prefixes);TypeScript(for additional JavaScript syntax);ESlint(for checking code quality);Prettier(for formatting code), and testing libraries like...