Is "npm" an acronym for "Node Package Manager"? Contrary to popular belief,npmis notin fact an acronym for "Node Package Manager"; It is a recursive bacronymic abbreviation for"npm is not an acronym"(if the project was named "ninaa", then it would be an acronym). The precursor to...
Node versions that hit end of life, will be dropped from support at each node-sass release (major, minor). We will stop building binaries for unsupported releases, testing for breakages in dependency compatibility, but we will not block installations for those ...
Description of the bug The automatic installation of NodeJS is not working on Alpine Linux or any other Linux distribution that uses musl instead of libgc NPM get's downloaded however it's not executable (fails with error=2, No such file...
Hello, I am trying to use npm to install node-gyp, on my computer and this doesn't seem to be working. However, I can install other packages like express, etc without any problems. I am runnning Mac OS X 10.8 and the latest ver...
npm install node-tap --save-dev npm install dtrace-provider --save-optional npm install readable-stream --save-exact npm install ansi-regex --save-bundle Note: If there is a file or folder named <name> in the current working directory, then it will try to install that, and only try ...
I am installing a certain NodeJS script -Caress. But i am not unable to. I am using Windows 8.1, can anyone tell me what is the problem i am facing, and why is this installation not working. There seems to be a problem with the buffertools dependency, thats far as i can think. ...
-bash: express:commandnot found Usually this problem occurs when there is express-generator was installed, and the install is solved, but it is not me =(. If anyone has any idea what I can do, will thank you. NodeJS version: v0.11.13-pre NPM Version: 1.4.6 ...
(node:20768) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of anasyncfunction without acatchblock, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). To terminate the node process on unhandled promise rejection, use the CLI...
After the installation completes, open the Terminal application, which can be found in the Utilities folder within the Applications folder. Verify that Node.js and NPM are installed correctly by typing the following commands in the Terminal: ...
(If you are using an official Node.js distribution, SSL is always built in.)You can install and configure ESLint using this command:npm init @eslint/config@latestAfter that, you can run ESLint on any file or directory like this:npx eslint yourfile.js...