1. Load thenodemailer-plugin-inline-base64plugin: varinlineBase64=require('nodemailer-plugin-inline-base64'); 2. Attach it as a 'compile' handler for a nodemailer transport object nodemailerTransport.use('compile',inlineBase64(options))
send emails using nodemailer, and mustache templates. mail mustache nodemailer template aearlypublished 5.0.0 • 7 years agopublished 5.0.0 7 years ago M Q P nodemailer-plugin-inline-base64 Nodemailer plugin that will inline base64 images nodemailer plugin base64 attachment bradvogelpublished 2.1...
You can use any nodemailer plugin. Simply pass an existing transport instance as config.transport.You should add the nodemailer-base64-to-s3 plugin to convert base64 inline images to actual images stored on Amazon S3 and Cloudfront.When doing so (as of v4.0.2+), you will need to adjust ...
constmailOptions={...attachments:[{filename:'text1.txt',content:'aGVsbG8gd29ybGQh',encoding:'base64'}, with encoded string as an inline attachment: // Replace `filename` with `cid`constmailOptions={...attachments:[{cid:'logo.png',content:'aGVsbG8gd29ybGQh',encoding:'base64'}, ...