QRCode.toString('http://www.google.com',function(err,string){if(err)throwerrconsole.log(string)}) Server API create(text, [options]) Seecreate. toCanvas(canvas, text, [options], [cb(error)]) Draws qr code symbol tonode canvas. ...
generate qrcode by node.js but not depend on node-canvas. why Because of the deep dependency,qrcodeis too hard to use. qrcode's dependency:qrcode -> node-canvas -> node -> Cairo -> x11. So the node-qrcode is dependent on browser(webdriver/phantomjs) to draw qrcode canvas, It ...
This is an npm module for qrcode JavaScript library (http://www.d-project.com/qrcode) Notice that I am not the author of the code, I am just the creator of an npm module out of the great library from Kazuhiko Arase Notice also that there is another module (node-qrcode, see:https...
nodeQrCodeOptions.errorCorrectionLevel = nodeQrCodeOptions.errorCorrectionLevel || getErrorCorrectionLevel(content); return getOriginWidth(content, nodeQrCodeOptions).then((_width: number) => { // 得到原始比例后还原至设定值,再放大4倍以获取高清图 // Restore to the set value according to the or...
二维码(QR Code)是一种常见的矩阵型条码,被广泛用于扫码支付、产品标识、活动推广等领域。Python提供了...
Code Beta 1 Dependency 0 Dependents 2 Versionscoa-qr一个超简单的Qr生成库 for Node.js基于qrcode 做简单封装特点根据日常实际项目使用情况:优化了参数名称,并优化了默认值,满足绝大多数使用场景 统一了异步表现形式,全部返回 Promise 内置类型引用,无需额外查看文档,开箱即用,IDE友好快速开始安装...
getErrorCorrectionLevel(content);returngetOriginWidth(content,nodeQrCodeOptions).then((_width:number)=>{// 得到原始比例后还原至设定值,再放大4倍以获取高清图// Restore to the set value according to the original ratio, and then zoom in 4 times to get the HD image.nodeQrCodeOptions.scale=...
Learn about Pro Bring the best of open source to you, your team, and your company Relied upon by more than 17 million developers worldwide, npm is committed to making JavaScript development elegant, productive, and safe. The free npm Registry has become the center of JavaScript code sharing,...
UNPKG qrcode-npm/.npmignore Version: 103 BPlain TextView Raw 1lib-cov 2*.seed 3*.log 4*.csv 5*.dat 6*.out 7*.pid 8*.gz 9 10*.iml 11 12pids 13logs 14results 15 16node_modules 17npm-debug.log \No newline at end of file...
2.qrcode 用于将一些URL、文字、emojis等生成二维码,并将二维码保存成图片。 安装:npm install qrcode --saveorbower install qrcode 使用: varQRCode=require('qrcode');QRCode.toDataURL(url,function(err,url){}); 3.js-cookie 顾名思义是操作cookie的,有了这个库让我们对cookie进行增删改查方便了很多。