Nest - modern, fast, powerful node.js web framework (@typeorm). Latest version: 10.0.3, last published: 10 months ago. Start using @steroidsjs/nest-typeorm in your project by running `npm i @steroidsjs/nest-typeorm`. There is 1 other project in the npm r
nestjs/typeorm:集成了 TypeORM ORM 框架的 Nest JS 模块,用于简化数据库操作和管理。链接地址 nestjs/passport:用于在 Nest JS 应用中实现身份验证和授权的模块,支持各种身份验证策略和第三方登录。链接地址 nestjs/websockets:用于在 Nest JS 应用中实现实时双向通信的模块,支持 WebSocket 和 Socket.IO。链接地址...
1 NestJS: Cannot find module in dev mode 0 nest js: npm run start fails in a new project 7 Cannot find module '@nestjs/typeorm' 1 typeormconfig in root causes incompatiblity with npm run start:prod script 1 Nest.js - "Invalid command: start" 4 NestJS microservices "Cannot ...
"typeorm": "^0.3.20" }, "devDependencies": { "@nestjs/cli": "^11.0.1", "@nestjs/schematics": "^11.0.0", "@nestjs/testing": "^11.0.3", "@types/bcrypt": "^5.0.2", "@types/express": "^5.0.0", "@types/jest": "^29.5.14", "@types/node": "^22.10.7", "@types/pas...
Hello @kamilmysliwiec I have created a repo I have built typeorm - jest - class-validator - passport all is fine but when I run the command "npm run start: prod" the following error message appears, I thought that this is a bad configura...
当@nestjs/typeorm要求您使用typeorm 0.3.0或更高版本时,您安装了typeorm 0.2.45。请安装较新版本...
NestJS - Nest 无法解析依赖项 - 使用 npm/yarn 链接时 Edd*_*rut 4 npm-link typeorm nestjs 我在尝试通过 npm link 命令在我的应用程序中使用多个包时遇到了死胡同。我有一个核心项目(它生成发布到 npm 的工件)和一个使用核心库的应用程序项目。使用 npm 中的库时一切都很好。在我本地使用 npm 链接/...
主要想到这个包的话比较大 所以要是有个私有仓库 就方便许多 npm i nrm -g nrm ls nrm use [仓储名] nrm --help nrm add [home] nrm add nexus http://localhost:9999/repository/npm-local-nexus/ nrm add nexustf http:...