Get latest npm package version for list of packages in a json object format. Latest version: 1.0.3, last published: 3 years ago. Start using latest-package-version in your project by running `npm i latest-package-version`. There are 2 other projects in t
Sign up for free Learn about Pro Bring the best of open source to you, your team, and your company Relied upon by more than 17 million developers worldwide, npm is committed to making JavaScript development elegant, productive, and safe. The free npm Registry has become the center of JavaS...
/**@paramname The name of the dependency.@paramsemver A parsed Semver array of the current version.(See: if the package should be included, false if it should be excluded.*/filter:(name,semver)...
You can check the full list of SPDX license IDs. Ideally you should pick one that is OSI approved.If your package is licensed under multiple common licenses, use an SPDX license expression syntax version 2.0 string, like this:{ "license": "(ISC OR GPL-3.0)" }...
npm - a JavaScript package manager Requirements You should be running a currently supported version ofNode.jsto runnpm. For a list of which versions of Node.js are currently supported, please see theNode.js releasespage. Installation npmcomes bundled withnode, & most third-party distributions, ...
-E, --save-exact: Saved dependencies will be configured with an exact version rather than using npm's default semver range operator. -B, --save-bundle: Saved dependencies will also be added to your bundleDependencies list. Further, if you have an npm-shrinkwrap.json or package-lock.json ...
Use the `npm view <package> versions` to list all versions of an npm package, e.g. `npm view react versions`.
importmathimportreimporttracebackfromtypingimportDict,Listimportrequestsfrombs4importBeautifulSoupfromdistutils.versionimportStrictVersionfromnatsortimportnatsortedfromsoupsieveimportmatch 获取jar包的最新版本: Copy defprocess_maven(group_id, artifact_id):try: ...
To view the latest stable version, use the npm view <package-name> version You can check the versions of installed packages using the npm list command To install the latest unstable version, use the npm install <package-name>@next command And now you’ve learned how to install a specific ...
在node16.17 后,支持 latest 下载最新版本 corepack prepare pnpm@<version> --activate 使用 这一步,我们才开始真正使用Corepack的能力。 我们现在某个项目想只使用pnpm,但是有时候包管理器太多,忘了进去就yarn或者npm,导致产生了不同的依赖结构以及lock文件等等。那么请在package.json中添加packageManager字段。(packag...