a koa2 proxy middleware by means of http-proxy-middleware. Latest version: 0.0.4, last published: 7 years ago. Start using koa2-proxy-middleware in your project by running `npm i koa2-proxy-middleware`. There are 14 other projects in the npm registry usi
Breaking withkoa2-nginx@1.x V2.x version is a fully refactored version V1.x version is based onhttp-proxy, and the v2 version provides more rich and reasonable configuration based onhttp-proxy-middleware. The logic for internally processingcontext-lengthisremoved, and we think this should be...
constproxy=require('koa-any-proxy') constapp=newKoa() //middleware app.use(proxy(rules,options)) notes 请务必在初始化在koa中间件的第一顺位 , 避免不必要问题 Install npm ikoa-any-proxy Repository github.com/0851/koa-any-proxy Homepage ...
koa-proxy-middleware http proxy middleware of koa2 maynesspublished 2.0.2 • 5 years agopublished version 2.0.2, 5 years ago multi-events A multiple events tool maynesspublished 1.3.2 • 5 years agopublished version 1.3.2, 5 years ago vue-tag-select maynesspublished 1.0.1 • 5 year...
好消息是,这些问题在proxy中间件中都考虑过了。这里不再一一讲解,有兴趣可以看koa-grace-proxy的源码:https://github.com/xiongwilee/Gracejs/middleware/proxy。 四、详细使用手册 在看详细使用手册之前,建议先看一下Gracejs的主文件源码:https://github.com/xiongwilee/Gracejs/blob/master/src/app.js。
好消息是,这些问题在proxy中间件中都考虑过了。这里不再一一讲解,有兴趣可以看koa-grace-proxy的源码:https://github.com/xiongwilee/Gracejs/middleware/proxy。 四、详细使用手册 在看详细使用手册之前,建议先看一下Gracejs的主文件源码:https://github.com/xiongwilee/Gracejs/blob/master/src/app.js。
Private npm registry and web for Enterprise, base on koa, MySQL and Simple Store Service. Our goal is to provide a low cost maintenance, easy to use, and easy to scale solution for private npm. What can you do with cnpmjs.org? Build a private npm for your own enterprise. (alibaba is...
http-proxy-middleware: HTTP代理 polyfill-service: 垫片服务 webpack-dev-middleware: Webpack本地服务器 webpack-hot-middleware: Webpack模块热替换 结语 写到最后总结得差不多了,后续如果我想起还有哪些框架平台遗漏的,会继续在这篇文章上补全,同时也希望各位倔友对文章里的要点进行补充或者提出自己的见解。欢迎...
第二个是代理转发的工具,用于browser-sync等工具,基于http-proxy的一个包装的组件。 第三个morgan是打log用的,没错,他的dependencies里面有debug。 第四个是killabe ,这个是用来清空所有socket的工具,为什么这个下载量这么高,是因为webpack的server用的是他;webpack的server用的是express吗,不是,用的是koa,但是为...
Private npm registry and web for Enterprise, base on koa, MySQL and Simple Store Service. Our goal is to provide a low cost maintenance, easy to use, and easy to scale solution for private npm. What can you do with cnpmjs.org? Build a private npm for your own enterprise. (alibaba is...