json-server db.json --middlewares ./first.js ./second.js CLI usage json-server [options] Options: --config, -c Path to config file [default: "json-server.json"] --port, -p Set port [default: 3000] --host, -H Set host [default: "localhost"] --watch, -w Watch file(s) [b...
npm install npm-watch Add a top-level"watch"config to yourpackage.jsonand a "watch" script to your"scripts": {"watch":{"test":"{src,test}/*.js"},"scripts":{"test":"tape test/*.js","watch":"npm-watch"}} There is the possibility to watch for different tasks ...
const rawArgv= process.argv.slice(2) const args= require('minimist')(rawArgv, {boolean: [//build//FIXME: --no-module, --no-unsafe-inline, no-clean, etc.'modern','report','report-json','inline-vue','watch',//serve'open','copy','https',//inspect'verbose'] }) const command= a...
I have json server configured to run conveniently using a npm-run-script like so npm run db. { "name": "My App", "scripts": { "db": "json-server --watch db.json --port 3004" } } This works fine for all GET requests, however, fails for an...
npm脚本和package.json 1、什么是npm脚本 在创建node.js项目如一个vue项目,或一个react项目时,项目都会生成一个描述文件package.json 。 比如npm允许在package.json文件里面,使用scripts字段定义脚本命令。 代码语言:javascript 复制 {//..."scripts":{"dev":"webpack-dev-server --inline --progress --config ...
此命令会列出所有已过时的包,可以及时更新 npm ls 查看安装的模块 npm ls [[/] ...]...start命令相当于执行gulpfile.js文件自定义的watch和server命令。...npm restart [-- ] npm test 测试模块 npm test [-- ] 该命令写在package.json文件scripts的test字段中,可以自定义该命令来执行一些操作...,如 ...
{"name":"test-db","version":"1.0.0","description":"json-server & fake/mock api","main":"index.js","scripts": {"start":"npm run db","infos":"echo JSON-server ready running...\n","jsondb":"json-server --watch db.json --port 7777","open":"start http://localhost:7777/dat...
import { ref, watch, nextTick } from 'vue' 许可证 license字段使我们可以定义适用于package.json所描述代码的许可证。同样,在将项目发布到npm注册时,这非常重要,因为许可证可能会限制某些开发人员或组织对软件的使用。拥有清晰的许可证有助于明确定义该软件可以使用的术语。
或者在 package.json 文件中 script 下修改添加 --watch.代码如下所示: 复制 "build":"webpack --watch" 1. 控制台再次执行 npm run build,你会发现这次控制台不会结束了,会一直开启着,详情请看下图: 图片 当我们修改文件内容的时候,watch 会监听着文件变化,如下图终端所示: ...
If the schema URI is relative, the base URI in the browser is the browser location and the base URI on the server is the current working directory. This is the preferred way to work with file-based schemas on the server. constoutput=awaitvalidate(`./string.schema.json`,"foo"); ...