npm install js-export-excel or yarn add js-export-excel documentation //直接导出文件 constExportJsonExcel=require("js-export-excel"); varoption={}; option.fileName="excel"; option.datas=[ { sheetData:[ {one:"一行一列",two:"一行二列"}, ...
npm install js-export-excel 使用 const ExportJsonExcel = require('js-export-excel') var option={}; option.fileName = 'excel' option.datas=[ { sheetData:[{one:'一行一列',two:'一行二列'},{one:'二行一列',two:'二行二列'}], sheetName:'sheet', sheetFilter:['two','one'], sheet...
type Arrayable<T> = T | T[]; type ExportContextType = Arrayable<ExportOptions>; function exportExcel(fileName: string, options: ExportContextType) { // 这里是具体代码 } 配置项接口设计: 我们二次封装已经存在的库,最好是将原来的库的操作上下文添加到我们的整个流程中,查阅exceljs文档得出操作整个...
创建@/vendor/Export2Excel.js:require('script-loader!file-saver');require('script-loader!@/vendor/Blob'); //在vendor文件加下建立Blob.js,代码在最下方import XLSXfrom 'xlsx'function datenum(v, date1904) {if (date1904) v +=1462;var epoch =Date.parse(v);return (epoch -new Da...
Node.JS Excel-Export Nice little module that is assisting when creating excel exports from datasets. It takes normal array-of-objects dataset plus a json report specification and builds excel(.xlsx) file. It supports styling and re-formating of the data on the fly. Check the example usage fo...
使用npm下载xlsx包 npm i xlsx 模版部分(tableExport.html): ...<table class="ars_table table-bordered" #reportTable> <thead> <tr> <
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A free, fast, and reliable CDN for vue-export-excel-html. Download your JSON as an excel or CSV file directly from the browser
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nodejs 官方发布,从头写一个 HTTP/1.1 客户端 repo: nodejs/undici[9] npm: undici[10] 文章推荐 一、深入 ESM 图解[11] 当前,在浏览器中通过 已原生支持 ESM,你可以在 vite 或者 snowpack 中尝试一下 本文用图解的方式深入讲解...