react-router-dom 7.3.0•Public• Published6 days ago This package simply re-exports everything fromreact-routerto smooth the upgrade path for v6 applications. Once upgraded you can change all of your imports and remove it from your dependencies:...
npm install --save-dev <package-name> --save参数: 告诉npm将安装的包添加到 package.json 文件的 dependencies 部分,这表示这些包是生产环境所需的依赖,即你的应用或项目在运行时需要这些包。 --save-dev参数: 将包添加到 package.json 文件的 devDependencies 部分,这表明这些包仅在开发过程中需要,而在项目...
dependencies属性是指定无论开发环境还是生产环境都需要依赖的包;通常是我们项目实际开发用到的一些库模块vue、vuex、vue-router、react、react-dom、axios等等; (6). devDependencies属性 一些包在生产环境是不需要的,仅开发过程中需要,比如webpack、babel等;这个时候我们会通过 【npm install webpack --save-dev】,...
A package providing React hooks/components from React Router v6 that can be seamlessly used in React applications running on React Router v5. Enable your v5 applications to leverage the power of v6 hooks without the need for a complete upgrade.. Latest v
NameStatusInstall SizeDescription Exports HTML as string, requires references to static resources Loads Pug templates and returns a function Compiles Pug to a function or HTML string, useful for use with Vue, React, Angular Compiles Markdown to HTML Loads and transforms a HTML file using Post...
npm install -g cnpm --registry= 安装cnpm 安装cnpm,输入以下命令: cnpm install react-router-dom@^4.2.2 --save 类似的操作还有 npm安装react、react-dom包 npm install react@16.3.0 react-dom@16.3.0 --save ...
importReact,{useRef}from'react';importReactDOMfrom'react-dom';importEditorfrom'@monaco-editor/react';functionApp(){consteditorRef=useRef(null);functionhandleEditorDidMount(editor,monaco){editorRef.current=editor;}functionshowValue(){alert(editorRef.current.getValue());}return(<>Show value<Editorheig...
因此,良好的依赖管理策略应该在保证稳定的前提下,定期跟进依赖包的更新,小步快进将升级风险分摊到每一次小版本迭代中,为达成这一效果,一个比较常见的实践是在开发环境中使用适当的范围版本,在测试 & 生产环境使用固定版本,以 NPM 为例,可以继续沿用"react": "^18.2.0",在开发态中使用npm install安装依赖,在测试...