libpng是一个png的参考库,那么使用这个依赖可能是要操作系统提供了相关的底层支持的,linux系统需要确保服务器本身有支持png库运行的依赖。 参考文章:修复错误pngquant构建失败,请确保安装了 libpng-dev Ubuntu/Debian apt update apt install-y build-essential gccmakelibpng-dev CentOS linux yumgroupinstall"Development ...
npm安装模块 【npm install xxx】利用 npm 安装xxx模块到当前命令行所在目录; 【npm install -g xxx...
顺便搜到这个 谈谈windows下它错误提示为“pngquant failed to build, make sure that libpng-dev is installed”的问题……(明显不是这么回事啊!) 翻它源码发现原来只提供了这一种提示。 当检测系统为macOS,提示缺少libpng;非macOS时缺libpng-dev。对于问题出在墙上的壬,只会被这提示带偏_(:з」∠)_…… 但...
brew install libpng 安装完成后,重新尝试构建pngquant: 通常,安装完 libpng-dev 后,你需要重新运行之前失败的npm命令,以便再次尝试构建 pngquant。 如果你是在安装某个npm包时遇到这个问题的,可以尝试重新运行安装命令,例如: bash npm install [包名] 若仍构建失败,检查是否有其他依赖项缺失,并相应安装: 如果...
libpng-dev \ && docker-php-ext-configure gd --with-freetype --with-jpeg \ && docker-php-ext-install -j$(nproc) gd 2. 执行该Dockerfile: docker build -t php . 3.进入到php容器中下载自己需要的镜像: docker run --it php /bin/bash ...
C:\projects\my-blazing-fast-site\node_modules\pngquant-bin\vendor\pngquant.exe ‼命令失败:--版本‼pngquant预构建测试失败--我从源×错误编译: pngquant未能生成,确保libpng-dev安装在(C:\projects\my-blazing-fast-site\node_modules\execa\index.js: fsevents@1.2.9 (node_modules\fsevents):npm< 浏览...
npm 安装 image-webpack-loader 报错Error: pngquant failed to build, make sure that libpng-dev is installed 前情提要:在vue2项目打包时,发现图片打包失败, 然后百度寻求解决方案,看到这篇博文:,我的报错和这个差不多一样,说可能时 image-...
happened because I was using ubuntu 18 and I was trying to run react-boilerplate, so at first the error was the image-webpack-loader, I have tried to install its dependencies and to match the versions and using older versions, but it was solved when I have installed libpng-dev on ...
To install libpng dev for Mac OSX, do: Download libpng from source forge Unzip the downloaded file In Terminal, cd into the directory that you just unzipped, and do the following three things: export LDFLAGS='-L/usr/local/opt/libpng/lib' export CPPFLAGS='-I/usr/local/opt/libpng/inclu...
npm install imagemin-pngquant Prerequisites Linuxmachines must have the following packages prior to install:libpng-dev libimagequant-dev sudo apt-get -y install libpng-dev libimagequant-dev Usage importimageminfrom'imagemin';importimageminPngquantfrom'imagemin-pngquant';awaitimagemin(['images/*.png'],{...