Get the latest version of an npm package Fetches the version directly from the registry instead of depending on the massivenpmmodule like thelatestmodule does. Install npm install latest-version Usage importlatestVersionfrom'latest-version';console.log(awaitlatestVersion('ava'));//=> '6.1.1'cons...
npm strips one directory layer when installing the package (an equivalent of tar x --strip-components=1 is run). The package must contain a package.json file with name and version properties. Example: npm install ./package.tgz npm install <tarball url>: Fetch the tarball url, and then ...
npm is producing an incorrect install. What's going wrong? In many cases, npm update does not update an outdated package. For example, the current release of eslint is 3.1.0. I have 2.3.1 installed.npm update -g eslintdoes nothing – it does not update me to 3.1.0, or to any ot...
使用 npm install <name> 安装包时,它会以 ^x.y.z 形式添加到 package.json 里面。因为 npm 的 save-prefix 默认配置就是 ^,可通过 npm config set save-prefix '~' 指定为 ~。二者含义,大家都懂就不再展开赘述了。安装主要版本的最新版本 $ npm install <name>@<major-version> 比如 npm install ...
🌟Install $ npm install -D latest-package-version 🔨Usage Typescript import{getPackageVersions}from'latest-package-version';(asyncfunctiongetVersions(){const{output,error}=awaitgetPackageVersions(['react','vue']);console.log(output);})(); ...
packagenpm install -g npm-check-updatesThen runnpm-check-updates -uandnpm installThis will install the latest versions of each package from you. If the warning still persists you can revert to a older version of react till the updates for each package are available–Shubham KhatriApr 9 at ...
How to install the latest version of a package in npm? On the other hand, if you would liketo install the latest version of an npm package, use the same command but instead of specifying the version number,use the “latest” keywordlike: ...
项目根目录若已存在package-lock.json文件,npm install 时,控制台告警。 若本地 npm 版本低于原本安装生成package-lock.json的人使用的 npm 的版本。 npmWARNread-shrinkwrap This version of npm is compatible with lockfileVersion@1, but package-lock.json was generated for lockfileVersion@2. I'll try to...
Hmmm... instinctively, I would actually expect npm install foo to install the latest stable version of that package. I almost never want a pre-release version, unless I'm really antsy to leverage some new beta feature and, in that case, I'd rather opt in and make my command explicit...
To update to the latest version of npm, on the command line, run npm install npm@latest -g 如有必要,则先更新npm 注意:升级之后可能会造成npm在其他项目不可用或者安装依赖失败等问题(可以通过nvm切换版本解决或者切换 registry,影响可控,大胆操作)❗ npm install npm@latest -g 2.1、准备一个npm账户...