npm install nrm –g 执行nrm –V 这块有点坑 (如果是windows)打开D:\opt\node\node_global\node_modules\nrm 下面的cli.js文件 修改第17行const NRMRC = path.join(process.env[(process.platform == 'win32') ? 'USERPROFILE' : 'HOME'], '.nrmrc'); ...
Automatically install the necessary tools. Note that this will also install Chocolatey. The script will pop-up in a new window after the installation copletes. Alternatively, follow the instructions at install the dependencies yourself. 这是在告诉会...
//提示+ windows-build-tools@5.2.2 // updated 1 package in 107.732s说明安装成功 // 然后运行命令 ,好像是全局安装这个包 npm install -g node-gyp //最后会提示一堆中文,=创建代码= ==...
Cloud Studio代码运行 npm install-g lodash 在这种情况下,npm不会将软件包安装到本地文件夹下,而是使用全局的位置。 npm install xxx -g时, 模块将被下载安装到【全局目录】中。【全局目录】通过npm config set prefix "目录路径"来设置。 通过npm config get prefix来获取当前设置的全局目录。 全局的位置到底...
同样在cmd命令行里面,输入“npm install express -g”(“-g”这个参数意思是装到global目录下,也就是上面说设置的“C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_global”里面。)。待cmd里面的安装过程滚动完成后,会提示“express”装在了哪、版本还有它的目录结构是怎样。如下图...
Trying to use Realm in my React Native app on Windows 10. The output is pasted below. It seems like it's missing the realm pre built stuff for my node version? Node: 6.9.1 npm: 3.10.8 (React Native: 0.37) c:\code\ReduxNavigation>npm install realm --save > realm@0.15.0 install ...
I just installed the current version of Node.js (v.10.*) on my Windows 7 machine. I have tried to install a couple packages globally (gulp and yoeman), but I get errors when they are installing and in my C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules directory, many o...
My "npm install" was still not working. I also hadtwo TEMP variablesdefined in myUSER Environmentvariables, and I had todelete oneof the variables for my"npm install"to start working. The above action was based on this post:#7590
I have Windows 10: $ node -v v16.14.0 $ npm -v 8.3.1 I run in terminal $ npm install yarn -g changed 1 package, and audited 2 packages in 666ms found 0 vulnerabilities but Yarn is not installed I can't find anything helpful that shows why it is not working for me. ...
Install Node Using the .pkg Installer The process is similar to Windows. Node offers a .pkg installer specifically designed for Mac. Additionally, you can download it from the official website. Step 1: Download the .pkg Installer To download the .pkg installer, select the “macOS Installer”...