/download/releases/ 3.输入nvm install 14.0.0 (这里我选的node版本号是14.0.0); 会自动安装对应版本的npm包 4.使用你要的版本5.查看node版本,npm版本,发现npm安装失败; (重要) 设置node和npm镜像地址于是打开nvm下面的settings.txt ,把下面两句加入其中:node_mirror: https ...
npm install <folder>: Install the package in the directory as a symlink in the current project. Its dependencies will be installed before it's linked. If <folder> sits inside the root of your project, its dependencies may be hoisted to the top-level node_modules as they would for other ...
You can also check the npm version using the following command: # npm -v You should get the following output: 7.5.2 Method 2: Install Node.js and npm from NodeSource If you want to install a different version of Node.js than the one provided in the Debian repositories, you can use...
在开发过程中,有时候我们可能会遇到 “win npm compiled against a different node.js version using” 的错误。这个错误一般发生在使用 npm 安装依赖时,提示我们当前的 node.js 版本与依赖包编译时使用的 node.js 版本不一致。为了解决这个问题,我们可以采取以下步骤。
,方案一:升级node ,方案二:切换npm的全局安装路径 下面是官网描述: Ifyou see an EACCESerrorwhenyoutrytoinstall a package globally, you can either: Reinstall npmwitha node version manager (recommended),orManually change npm's default directoryReinstall npmwitha node version manager ...
A dataset showing the compiled process version dependencies of different Node.js versions Installation yarn add process-versions npm install process-versions Javascript usage constdependencyData=require('process-versions');// prints out 1.0.9console.log(dependencyData['16.13.0'].brotli); ...
Node version managers allow you to install and switch between multiple versions of Node.js and npm on your system so you can test your applications on multiple versions of npm to ensure they work for users on different versions. OSX or Linux Node version managers ...
The Node version manager (NVM) is the ideal option if you plan on using different versions of Node. I recommend using this version if you have a good understanding of using the terminal on macOS. 1. To begin, you will need to run the install script for NVM. This script will also upda...
npminstall will always try to install the maximal matched version of semver: root/ koa@1.1.0 mod/ koa@~1.1.0# will install two different version of koa when use npminstall. you can enable flatten mode by--flattenflag, in this mod, npminstall will try to use ancestors' dependencies to ...
Installingnvmto install and manage different versions of Nodejs on Ubuntu Option 1: Install Node.js From NodeSource Repository NodeSource, as a company, focuses on providing enterprise-grade Node support. This installation uses the Node.js repository, which will be used to install this version on...