npm install @aws-sdk/client-s3-control yarn add @aws-sdk/client-s3-control pnpm add @aws-sdk/client-s3-control Getting Started Import The AWS SDK is modulized by clients and commands. To send a request, you only need to import theS3ControlClientand the commands you need, for exampleList...
@aws-sdk/client-s3-node Description Amazon Simple Storage Service service Installing To install the this package using NPM, simply type the following into a terminal window: npm install @aws-sdk/client-s3-node Getting Started Import The AWS SDK is modulized by clients and commands in CommonJS...
安装:npm install @aws-sdk/client-s3 @aws-sdk/s3-request-presigner @aws-sdk/util-create-request @aws-sdk/credential-provider-node // v3 中的导入方式 import { S3, GetObjectCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-s3"; import { getSignedUrl } from "@aws-sdk/s3-request-presigner"; // 创建 S...
1、可以使用v3版本,可以只引入你真正需要的 AWS 服务模块,而不是整个 SDK安装:npm install @aws-sdk/client-s3 @aws-sdk/s3-request-presigner @aws-sdk/util-create-request @aws-sdk/credential-provider-node // v3 中的导入方式 import { S3, GetObjectCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-s3"; import ...
Utility tasks for working with Argo + LINZs AWS accounts - npm_and_yarn in /. for @aws-sdk/client-s3, @aws-sdk/credential-providers, @aws-sdk/lib-storage - Update #912450527 · linz/argo-tasks@68940d5
Utility tasks for working with Argo + LINZs AWS accounts - npm_and_yarn in /. for @aws-sdk/client-s3, @aws-sdk/credential-providers, @aws-sdk/lib-storage - Update #913772928 · linz/argo-tasks@e30dff9
You need to create a deployment package if you use the Lambda API to manage functions, or if you need to include libraries and dependencies other than the AWS SDK. You can upload the package directly to Lambda, or you can use an Amazon S3 bucket, and then upload it to Lambda. If the...
Verdaccio aims to support all features of a standard npm client that make sense to support in a private repository. Unfortunately, it isn't always possible. Basic features Installing packages (npm install, npm update, etc.) - supported Publishing packages (npm publish) - supported Advanced packag...
An S3 client forBlobby, powered byAWS S3. Options # config/local.json5 { storage: { app: { options: { endpoint: '', accessKeyId: 'myAccessKey', secretAccessKey: 'mySecretKey', s3ForcePathStyle: false, s3BucketEndpoint: false, bucketPrefix: 'myBucket', // my...