npm i pm2 -g 1. 启动项目 pm2 start ./dispatch.js //dispatch.js在cnpmjs.org项目的根目录下 1. 执行完后,可以看见该服务的基本信息,简洁明了。 查看服务进程信息 pm2 monit dispatch //diapatch为当前进程 name 1. 这里可以实时查看进程运行的详细信息,方便平时项目的维护。pm2 还有好多强大的功能,这里就...
workflow_dispatch: inputs: releases: required: true type: string description: 'A json array of releases. Required fields: publish: tagName, publishTag. publish check: pkgName, version' workflow_call: inputs: releases: required: true type: string description: 'A json array of releases. Required...
Request through a http proxy export fromundici import{ProxyAgent,request}from'urllib';constproxyAgent=newProxyAgent('http://my.proxy.com:8080');constresponse=awaitrequest('https://www.npmjs.com/package/urllib',{dispatcher:proxyAgent,});console.log(response.status,response.headers); Benchmarks F...
npm i pm2-g 启动项目 代码语言:javascript 复制 pm2 start./dispatch.js//dispatch.js在cnpmjs.org项目的根目录下 执行完后,可以看见该服务的基本信息,简洁明了。 查看服务进程信息 代码语言:javascript 复制 pm2 monit dispatch//diapatch为当前进程 name ...
npm install http-proxy-middleware 1. 建立src/setupProxy.js 文件,可配置多个代理 const proxy = require("http-proxy-middleware"); module.exports = function(app) { app.use( proxy("/base/**", { target: "", changeOrigin: true }) ); app.use( proxy("/fans/**"...
Support http_proxy: if you're behind a firewall, you can provide a http proxy for cnpmjs.org. Docs How to deploy cnpm client: cnpm, npm install -g cnpm Sync packages through http_proxy Migrating from 1.x to 2.x New features in 2.x. wiki Develop on your local machine Dependencies ...
Dispatch requests to backend microservices (reverse proxy) Authenticate users Serve static content Let's think of the different apps (microservices) as destinations to which the incoming request will be forwarded. The rules that determine which request should be forwarded to which destination are called...
exportDB='db_cnpmjs'exportDB_USRNAME='root'exportDB_PASSWORD='123456'exportDB_HOST=''exportBINDING_HOST=''DEBUG=cnpm*node dispatch.js 再修改下docker-compose.yml文件,这里把mysql-db这个服务删掉了,原因是可通过/docs/dockerize/config.js下的配置文件去连接公司测试环境的MySQL数据库,则...
npm i pm2 -g pm2 start ./dispatch.js//dispatch.js在cnpmjs.org项目的根目录下 执行完后,可以看见该服务的基本信息,简洁明了。 pm2 monit dispatch//diapatch为当前进程 name 这里可以实时查看进程运行的详细信息,方便平时项目的维护。pm2 还有好多强大的功能,这里就不一一介绍了,有兴趣的戳这里(https://zhua...