创建一个根目录,目录名为:reactApp,再使用 npm init 初始化,生成 package.json 文件: mkdirreactAppmkdirreactAppcd reactApp/ $ npm init name: (reactApp) runoob-react-test version: (1.0.0) description: cllgeek entry point: (index.js) test command: git repository: keywords: author: license: (I...
npm exec create-vite/ npm x create-vite npx create-vite 类似的例如create-react-app这个包我们也可以有多种方法使用: npm init react-app/ npm create react-app/ npm innit react-app npm exec create-react-app/ npm x create-react-app npx create-react-app 不过react的脚手架略有不同,当我们直接...
1,在开始之前,首先看下官网及资料 官网: https://eslint.org/ 官方 Getting Started [https://eslint.org/docs/user-guide/getting-started](https://eslint.org/docs/user- guide/getting-started) 官方规则说明 https://eslint.org/docs/rules/ 配置rule 说明 https://blog.csdn.net/...
npm init foo -y --registry=<url> -- --hello -a npm exec -y --registry=<url> -- create-foo --hello -aExamplesCreate a new React-based project using create-react-app:$ npm init react-app ./my-react-appCreate a new esm-compatible package using create-esm:...
手动安装:可以尝试手动安装create-react-app。首先创建一个空的项目文件夹,然后在命令行中进入该文件夹,运行命令npm init来初始化项目。接着运行命令npm install react react-dom来安装React相关的包。最后运行命令npx create-react-app .来手动安装create-react-app。
npm init foo -y --registry=<url> -- --hello -a npm exec -y --registry=<url> -- create-foo --hello -aExamplesCreate a new React-based project using create-react-app:$ npm init react-app ./my-react-appCreate a new esm-compatible package using create-esm:...
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 解决: create-react-app my-react-app cd my-react-app git init git add . git commit -m 'Saving before ejecting' npm run eject 按照以上顺序就可以正常使用 主要问题是脚手架添加.gitgnore文件,但是却没有本地仓库
React App init will put the store into Provider, and call dispatch on all actions in the init array. You can optionally pass in arenderTargetusing something like{ store, init: [loadData], renderTarget: document.getElementById('app') });but if you do not one will be created for you....
脚手架工具应运而生,除了有通用的脚手架工具 yeoman, sao 之外,很多项目也会开发针对自己项目的脚手架工具,例如 vue-cli, create-react-app 以及专门用来初始化 ThinkJS 项目的脚手架工具 think-cli等。运行这些工具需要先使用 npm install -g 全局安装这些模块之后才能正常运行。每次都执行这两部操作那其实是有...
npx --package react-native-test-app@latest init In this example, we will create a project named "sample" insamplewith apps for all platforms: ✔ What is the name of your test app? … sample ? Which platforms do you need test apps for? › Instructions: ↑/↓: Highlight option ←...