image-conversionis a simple and easy-to-use JS image convert tools, which provides many methods to convert between Image,Canvas,File and dataURL. In addition,image-conversion can specify size to compress the image (test here). Methods Map ...
conversion convert compress minify jpeg jpg png gif wangyulue •2.1.1•5 years ago•75dependents•MITpublished version2.1.1,5 years ago75dependentslicensed under $MIT 27,836 lib-image-conversion A simple and easy-to-use JS image convert tools, which can specify size to compress the ...
Conversion parameters PageRange String Set page range. Example 1-10 or 1,2,5. Password String Sets the password to open protected documents. ConvertHiddenSlides Bool Include hidden slides while converting. ImageResolution Integer Set output image resolution in dpi. ImageHeight Integer Image ...
This property controls the inclusion of email header in the PDF conversion process. When set to true, the converter will incorporate the email's header information, such as From, To, Subject, Date, etc., into the generated PDF file. ConvertAttachments Bool Convert email attachments. ImageResol...
Follow the instructions below, depending on what type of conversion you want to perform. Convert Hairstyles to Fashion Sense mod packs! Start here if you want to convert a hairstyles.png into a Fashion Sense modpack! Step 1 - Copy the hairstyles! Drag the hairstyles.png into the input direc...
创建在npm的官网上注册一个账号, 1:在本地通过npm init 初始化一个项目,并建一个index.js 文件,因为index.js为默认进入的文件,如下...:在本地将该创建的项目打开,并在index.js编写想要写的文件(这里简单写一个排序),如下: image-1dc4644452b844869943897ce6cfd223.png 3:接下来通...
The new version uses webpack@4.43.0 but now the scheduler is not working anymore (see image in attachment). I created an example with the error.Npm version: 6.11.3Node version: 10.17.0ERROR when I open the calendar (no error when compiling):message: "longDateFormat is undefined"...
创建在npm的官网上注册一个账号, 1:在本地通过npm init 初始化一个项目,并建一个index.js 文件,因为index.js为默认进入的文件,如下...:在本地将该创建的项目打开,并在index.js编写想要写的文件(这里简单写一个排序),如下: image-1dc4644452b844869943897ce6cfd223.png 3:接下来通...
'@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any': OFF(TYPESCRIPT_CONVERSION), 'react/no-find-dom-node': OFF(UNKNOWN), 'no-restricted-properties': [ERROR, { property: 'openExternal', message: 'use the `window.main.openInBrowser` function instead. see
The program provides some conversion abilities of binary objects that exist only in the browser. Examples: File to image Convert a File(browser object) to an Image. converter function recognizes the type passed to it, exposing the relevant methods. In this case a File object is passed, invokin...