image-conversionis a simple and easy-to-use JS image convert tools, which provides many methods to convert between Image,Canvas,File and dataURL. In addition,image-conversion can specify size to compress the image (test here). Methods Map ...
image-conversion A simple and easy-to-use JS image convert tools, which can specify size to compress the image. image images resize conversion convert compress minify jpeg jpg png gif wangyulue •2.1.1•5 years ago•75dependents•MITpublished version2.1.1,5 years ago75dependentslicensed...
Conversion parameters ImageResolution Integer Set output image resolution in dpi. ScaleImage Bool Scale the output image. If ScaleImage is False output document will be stripped to ImageHeight / ImageWidth, if ScalePage is True output document will be scaled to ImageHeight / ImageWidth. Scale...
Conversion parameters ImageResolution Integer Set output image resolution in dpi. ScaleImage Bool Scale the output image. If ScaleImage is False output document will be stripped to ImageHeight / ImageWidth, if ScalePage is True output document will be scaled to ImageHeight / ImageWidth. Scale...
Useful to adjust nodes in any way needed before the conversion. Note that this be invoked before the onclone callback. The handler gets the original node, the cloned node, and a boolean that says if we've cloned the children already (so you can handle either before or after) Sample use...
mingw-w64-SDL_image mingw-w64-SDL_mixer mingw-w64-SDL_net mingw-w64-SDL_ttf mingw-w64-a52dec mingw-w64-adobe-source-code-pro-fonts mingw-w64-adol-c mingw-w64-adwaita-icon-theme mingw-w64-ag mingw-w64-alembic mingw-w64-allegro mingw-w64-alure mingw-w64-amqp-cpp mingw-w64...
Full size image Vassiliou et al. [158] showed that the expression of NPM1 mutant in HSCs triggered Hox gene upregulation, accelerated self-renewal, and enlarged myelopoiesis by introducing the mutation into the endogenous NPM1 locus. Moreover, this model revealed that wild-type and mutant NPM1...
创建在npm的官网上注册一个账号, 1:在本地通过npm init 初始化一个项目,并建一个index.js 文件,因为index.js为默认进入的文件,如下...:在本地将该创建的项目打开,并在index.js编写想要写的文件(这里简单写一个排序),如下: image-1dc4644452b844869943897ce6cfd223.png 3:接下来通...
transforming potential of these fusion proteins, NPM1 is believed to act as the interface for oligomerization and oncogenic conversion of these tumor promoting fusion proteins. Further, NPM1 is also known to sequester the tumor suppressor RF in the nucleolus, protecting it from degradation until it...
Reduce your disk storage costs through Cabin's automatic conversion of Streams, Buffers, and ArrayBuffers to simplified, descriptive-only objects that otherwise would be unreadable (and obviously pollute your log files and disk storage).Before: { "request": { "body": { "file": { "type": "...