Please don't ignore ssl issues, as the error is there for a very good reason. Also, a bit of searching resulted in the following tweet, which links to the official solution to your problem (update npm): – Thomas Vervest...
"--ignore-ssl-errors=true"]}// option snippet showing multiple options for one page only (object notation){phantomjsOptions:{// key must exactly match the page as defined in the input (sitemap, array, robots, etc)"":["--load-images=false","--ignore...
Ignore whitespace when comparing lines in npm diff.diff-name-onlyDefault: false Type: BooleanPrints only filenames when using npm diff.diff-no-prefixDefault: false Type: BooleanDo not show any source or destination prefix in npm diff output.Note: this causes npm diff to ignore the --diff-...
Any insight on what needs to be done to resolve the issue will be appreciated (I would prefer to resolve the issue through configuration as opposed to re-installing if possible). Error: "Error: SSL Error: SELF_SIGNED_CERT_IN_CHAIN" Full Message: npmERR!Error:SSLError:SELF_SIGNED_CERT_IN...
使用--save或--save-dev参数来将依赖项添加到package.json文件中的dependencies或devDependencies对象中。 避免使用全局安装npm包,因为这会污染全局环境,也会使项目难以维护。 使用.npmignore文件来忽略不必要的文件或目录,以减小发布的包的大小。 使用remove-node-modules移除npm项目下的node_modules模块step...
ignoreType: `` includeType: `` prefix:''' suffix:'' interval:1000 searchBody:null transform:null support-big-int:false big-int-fields: `` ignoreChildError:false If the--directionisdump, which is the default,--inputMUST be a URL for the base location of an ElasticSearch server (i.e....
bool withOverviewMode: false, bool scrollBar: true, bool supportMultipleWindows: false, bool appCacheEnabled: false, bool allowFileURLs: false, bool useWideViewPort: false, String invalidUrlRegex: null, bool geolocationEnabled: false, bool debuggingEnabled: false, bool ignoreSSLErrors: false, })...
{ "key": "ignorePath", "effective": false, "source": "<default>", "description": "If true, the local executable will be ignored when using the global one", "type": "BOOLEAN", "default": false }, { "key": "immutablePatterns", "effective": [], "source": "<default>", "...
重点关注这句“19/05/14 18:26:55 INFO metrics.MetricsUtil: Unable to obtain hostName hadoop101: hadoop101: Temporary failure in name resolution”,其为hostname可能存在问题,因此去查看/etc/sysconfig/network文件和/etc/hosts文件,发现其network文件中的“HOSTNAME=”后...
Properly raise ERESOLVE errors on root dev dependencies Ignore ERESOLVE errors when performing git dep 'prepare' scripts Always reinstall packages that are explicitly requested fix global update all so it actually updates things Install bins properly when global root is a link (@isaacs)DOCUMENTATION23...