$ npm install node-rtsp-stream On server: Stream = require('node-rtsp-stream') stream = new Stream({ name: 'name', streamUrl: 'rtsp://', wsPort: 9999, ffmpegOptions: { // options ffmpeg flags '-stats': '', // an option with no nec...
npm i node-rtsp-stream-jsmpeg Server const Stream = require('node-rtsp-stream-jsmpeg') const options = { name: 'streamName', url: 'rtsp://', wsPort: 3333 } stream = new Stream(options) stream.start() ...
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Version1.0.4LicenseISC INSTALL Version: Static Open in jsfiddle Learn more ReadmeFilesStatisticsBrowse CDN Statistics Requests0 Bandwidth0 Top version -0 rtsp-base64img-nodejs Files are loading... Selected files No files selected. Select the files you want to use using the switches on the left...
cengizakcan js A Node.js implementation of RTMP Server Version1.1.10LicenseAGPL-3.0 INSTALL Type:ESMDefault Version: <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/node-media-server-edit@1.1.10/node_media_server.min.js"></script> Learn more ...
ws://hostname:port/appname/stream.flv?sign=expires-HashValue 1.原始推流或播放地址: rtmp:// 2.配置验证秘钥为: 'nodemedia2017privatekey',同时打开播放和发布的鉴权开关 constconfig = {rtmp: {port:1935,chunk_size:60000,gop_cache:true,ping:60,ping_timeout:30},http: {...
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15/rtsp/nodejs/bin:$PATH && exportnpm_config_cache=/tmp/cache && cd /opt/function/code/ && PORT=8000npmstart 打包函数代码。 将目录中的“.next”、“public”、“package 来自:帮助中心 查看更多 → 通过客户端从私有依赖库下载私有组件
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A serial multiplexer for encoding or decoding RTSP streams. Latest version: 1.0.0, last published: 9 years ago. Start using rtsp-stream in your project by running `npm i rtsp-stream`. There are 6 other projects in the npm registry using rtsp-stream.