安装"npm i angularfire2"时出错可能是由于以下几个原因导致的: 版本冲突:angularfire2是一个用于Angular框架的Firebase库。当安装angularfire2时,可能会与其他依赖包存在版本冲突,导致安装失败。解决方法是检查并更新相关依赖包的版本,确保它们兼容。 网络问题:安装依赖包时,可能由于网络问题导致下载失败。可以尝试使用...
Extended@angular-devkit/build-angular:karmabuilder that allows to specify additional webpack configuration (on top of the existing under the hood) andindex.htmltransformations. The builder will run the same build as@angular-devkit/build-angular:karmadoes with extra parameters that are specified in th...
在node_modules@angular-devkit\build-angular\src\angular-cli-files\models\webpack-configs\styles.js line 136和142行 (由于版本不一样文件的位置也不一样),lessPathOptions这个对象,加入属性lessPathOptions.javascriptEnabled = true。 let lessPathOptions = { paths: [], javascriptEnabled: true}; if (.....
A wrapper for the Google Charts library written with Angular. Latest version: 16.0.2, last published: 2 days ago. Start using angular-google-charts in your project by running `npm i angular-google-charts`. There are 44 other projects in the npm registry
您可以使用$ npm i -g pnpm安装pnpm作为npm包。您也可以使用Corepack安装pnpm: $ corepack prepare pnpm@6.24.2--activate 项目结构 在本节中,您将一目了然地看到不同包管理器的主要特征。您可以轻松地发现哪些文件用于配置特定的包管理器,以及哪些文件是由安装步骤生成的。
Had Chrome repo with chrome installation and with that i got nore 0.10.25. Also maybe old npm cause student@student-Web-Frontend:~/proangular/angular$ npm install webpack npm WARN prefer global node-deb@0.1.10 should be installed with -g myfacebook@1.0.0 /home/student/proangular/angular...
Hello, I am getting a 401 error when trying to update the Grid/SchedulerPro angular libraries. I have tried all the troubleshooting options available, but still no l...
Shockingly, theajv-formatspackage was a transitive dependency for both the Angular CLI and forwebpack! A quick sanity check confirmed that when I installed the Angular CLI, I was also installing theajv-formatspackage: Installing the Angular CLI and confirming that theajv-formatspackag...
when run app in angular empty page display why this happen and how to solve that Where can i find logs from .NET Core app hosted in Docker Where do I find ServerVariables("REMOTE_USER")? Where is AllowHtml Where is Controller Initialize Event? Where is my project.json? Where to download...