install request to failed, reason: unable to verify the first certificate npm ERR! node-pre-gyp WARN Pre-built binaries not installable for canvas@2.11.2 and node@16.17.0...
npm i html2canvas 这个命令会告诉npm(Node Package Manager)去安装html2canvas库及其依赖项。 等待安装完成: npm会开始下载并安装html2canvas及其所有依赖项。这可能需要一些时间,具体取决于你的网络连接速度和依赖项的多少。 安装过程中,npm会显示进度信息,并在安装完成后给出成功或错误的消息。 验证安装: 安...
npm install canvas-select --save <canvasclass="container"></canvas> // 创建实例(重要:一定要等到挂载节点就绪)// 第一个参数为挂载节点 可以是css选择器或者HTMLCanvasElement// 第二个参数为图片链接constinstance=newCanvasSelect(".container","/one.jpg");// or// const instance = new CanvasSelect...
Base on ImageFilters.js. Latest version: 1.0.1, last published: 8 years ago. Start using canvas-filters in your project by running `npm i canvas-filters`. There are 9 other projects in the npm registry using canvas-filters.
Issue or Feature [ yes] If this is an issue with installation, I have read the troubleshooting guide. I can't install canvas on my Mac, I have this error: artichaut@Pierres-MacBook-Air-3820 SpotiPixel % sudo npm i canvas npm ERR! code 1 ...
interface IQrCodeWithLogo { toCanvas(): Promise<any>; toImage(): Promise<any>; downloadImage(name: string): void; } class QrCodeWithLogo implements IQrCodeWithLogo { option: BaseOptions; constructor(option: BaseOptions) { this.option = option; return this; } toCanvas = () => { retu...
我运行了npmi @wtw/canvas并得到了以下错误:npmERR!/registry/npmi --registry @wtw/canvasnpmERR!codeE404npmERR!404 Not Found - GET https:/ 浏览11提问于2022-05-04得票数 1 1回答 ember cli 0.0.40版本安装
1.5.8•Public• Publisheda month ago Watermark This is acanvas-basedwatermark for browser. 🛠️ Rich Features 🔑 Fully Typed APIs 📦️ Extremely light Watermark works with both Vue 2 , Vue 3 And React. Translations 中文文档
renderTypeString"canvas"、"svg",默认"canvas"pdf渲染模式 pageNumBooleantrue、false, 默认true是否显示左上角页码 backTopBooleantrue、false, 默认true是否显示右下角回到顶部按钮 lazyBooleantrue、false, 默认false是否开启懒加载(实际是延迟加载图片,即屏幕滚动到pdf位置时加载图片) ...
npm i @canvas-js/chain-solana API importsolw3from"@solana/web3.js"importtype{Signature,SessionSigner,Action,Message,Session}from"@canvas-js/interfaces"import{SolanaSessionData}from"./types.js"interfaceSolanaWindowSigner{publicKey?:solw3.PublicKeysignMessage(message:Uint8Array):Promise<{signature:Uint...