Cannot read property 'match' of undefined NPM错误!无法读取未定义的属性“match” npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: npm ERR! C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\_logs\2019-07-18T08_27_42_532Z-debug.log 删除项目文件夹下面的package-lock.json,然后再运行...
1.执行npm i 安装依赖时,报错:cannot read property 'match' of undefined 据说是npm本地缓存导致 解决方案: rm -rf package-lock.json ( 甚至连同node_modules一起删掉 rm -rf package-lock.json node_modules) 但是执行完毕后,又出现了新问题:/bin/git submodule update -q --init --recursive 2.强制清...
在Vue项目中运行npm i命令时直接提示npm ERR! Cannot read property 'match' of undefined错误了,此时需要把package-lock.json文件删除,再次运行npm 命令就正常了。 ---20200211勉
18 verbose stack TypeError: Cannot read property 'match' of undefined 18 verbose stack at tarballToVersion (/home/eto/.nvm/versions/node/v10.20.1/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/install/inflate-shrinkwrap.js:87:20) 18 verbose stack at inflatableChild (/home/eto/.nvm/versions/node/v10.20.1/lib/...
npm is doing something I don't understand. npm is producing incorrect or undesirable behavior. Other (see below for feature requests): What's going wrong? D:\MyDev\ljs_app\trunk\periscope\build>npm i npm ERR! Cannot read property 'match' of undefined ...
npm install 突然报这个错 之前还是好好地 {代码...} 回忆了一下 应该是项目多出了package-lock.json导致的按照以下步骤依次操作即可:npm cache clear --forc...
我用i18n实现了我的vue应用程序,昨天一切正常。但是,当我今天尝试启动我的应用程序时,我得到了标题中可以看到的错误。我可以给出下面的堆栈跟踪: 代码语言:javascript 复制 TypeError:Cannot read property'i18n'ofundefinedat module.exports(..\node_modules\vue-cli-plugin-i18n\index.js:4:49)at..\node_modules...
Note:THISWILLBREAK YOUR CODE. A good rule of thumb is not to use this unless you know exactly what you're doing and how this works and read this section until the end. Mangling property names is a separate step, different from variable name mangling. Pass--mangle-propsto enable it. The...
rootElementdocumentThe Intersection Observer interface's read-only root property identifies the Element or Document whose bounds are treated as the bounding box of the viewport for the element which is the observer's target. If the root isnull, then the bounds of the actual document viewport are...
使用fs.readTextSync方法时,提示权限异常 如何从一个二进制文件中读取其字节数组?通过fs.createStreamSync只能获取到ArrayBuffer,如何转成number[] fs.open读取应用沙盒路径失败 如何获取到 resources下rawfile 的文件 报错“the parameters check fails this is fail path”如何解决? 字体管理器中注册自定义字体...