当你在使用npm和Node.js开发时遇到“lru is not a constructor”的错误,这通常指示着你可能在尝试以错误的方式使用lru-cache库,或者库的版本与你的期望不兼容。以下是一些解决这个问题的步骤和建议: 1. 确认错误信息的上下文 首先,确认这个错误是在哪个文件、哪一行代码中出现的。查看错误堆栈信息可以提供线索。 2...
It's installed by default for Node, but in the browser you need to load lru-cache.js (perhaps from the Bower-compatible variant). Or you can pass any other cache instance as an option to the constructor, as long as it has get, set, and del methods. If the cache is enabled Hubkit...
Keyv is a customEventEmitterand will emit an'error'event if there is an error. If there is no listener for the'error'event, an uncaught exception will be thrown. To disable the'error'event, passemitErrors: falsein the constructor options. constkeyv=newKeyv({emitErrors:false}); In addit...
Lo-dash is a Node.js utility library node-lowercase-keys Lowercase the keys of an object node-lru-cache(>= 4.1.1~) least-recently-used cache object for Node.js node-make-dir Make a directory and its parents if needed - Think mkdir -p ...
@@ -11,17 +9,15 @@ class InvalidProxyProtocolError extends Error { } class ConnectionTimeoutError extends Error { constructor ({ host, port }) { host = appendPort(host, port) constructor (host) { super(`Timeout connecting to host \`${host}\``) this.code = 'ECONNECTIONTIMEOUT' th...
constructor(options: SqlCacheOptions<Meta>) { const { database, maxLen = 50 * 1000, maxByteSize = 1 * Math.pow(2, 30), onRemove = () => {}, } = options; console.log(`🚀 ~ SqliteLRUCache<Meta> ~ sqlite init a:`, database); this.db = new Database(database ?? ":memor...
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick ^ TypeError: undefined is not a function at CALL_NON_FUNCTION_AS_CONSTRUCTOR (native) at Object.(/Users/Felix/Desktop/foo/node_modules/forever/lib/forever.js:43:23) ...
When raycasting a higher performance traversal approach is used (seeoptimizeRaycast). .manager manager :LoadingManager The manager used when loading tile geometry. .constructor constructor(url=null:String|null) Takes the url of thetileset.jsonfor the tile set to be rendered. ...
There are two types of cache handlers (Memory LRU and Redis LRU):Memory LRU cacheCreates a cache of calls to any method of a class, only when the response is not an error.import {cache} from '@s-ui/decorators' class Dummy { @cache() syncRndNumber(num) { return Math.random() } ...
Node version: v6.3.1 npm version: 3.10.3 Operating system: ubuntu:xenial docker container Command line used: root@5a5d40d8a0d3:/FrontEnd# npm start -s sh: 1: rimraf: not found sh: 1: babel-node: not found ERROR: "remove-dist" exited with...