npm config set sharp_libvips_binary_host=
> sharp@0.26.2 install /home/agv/node_modules/sharp > (node install/libvips && node install/dll-copy && prebuild-install) || (node-gyp rebuild && node install/dll-copy) ERR! sharp EACCES: permission denied, mkdir '/root/.npm/_libvips' info sharp Are you trying to install as a root...
针对你遇到的“npm err! sharp_binary_host is not a valid npm option”问题,以下是一些详细的解答和建议: 1. 确认sharp_binary_host不是npm的官方选项 sharp_binary_host 确实不是 npm 的官方配置选项。npm 的官方配置选项可以通过运行 npm config ls -l 查看,其中不会包含 sharp_binary_host。 2. 查找sh...
sharp@0.29.2 install:npm ERR! Exit status 1npm ERR!npm ERR! Failed at the sharp@0.29.2 install script.npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.npm verb exit [ 1, true ]npm timing npm Completed in 37437ms npm ERR! A complete ...
1. npm ERR !gyp ERR !find Python 没有找到Python。npm依赖到了Python。我们需要主动在电脑中配置安装Python 可以直接使用Microsoft Store 搜索 Python3 进行下载安装即可 安装完毕后,在cmd中输入 python --version 就能看到相关版本了。 2. npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack Error: Could not find any Visual Studio...
他会先下载,然后进行编译,而接下去的报错是..\src\libvips\cplusplus\VError.cpp(33): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'vips/intl.h': No such file or directory,可以推测上面那个sharp-libvips的...
codeENOENTnpmERR!syscallaccessnpmERR!path/yonyou/uat-workspace/occ-project ionic4打包时遇到的种种问题 ENOENT:nosuchfileordirectory,open‘/Users/xmm/package.json’npmWARN xmmNo...npmERR!codeELIFECYCLEnpmERR!errno1npmERR! sharp@0.23.3 install: (node install/libvips &...
npm ERR! code ETIMEDOUT npm ERR! errno ETIMEDOUT npm ERR! network request to https://registry.npmjs.,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
code1npmERR!pathC:\Users\Administrator\code\lykee\admin npmERR!command failed npmERR!commandC:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe/d/s/c"vite build && mv ../public/_admin/index.html ../resources/views/admin.blade.php"npmERR!Acomplete logofthisrun can be foundin:npmERR!C:\Users\Administrator\App...