code EBUSY npm ERR! errno -4082 npm ERR! EBUSY, unlink 'C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\nodeinspector\node_modules\ws' npm ERR! npm ERR! If you need help, you may report this error at: npm ERR! <> npm ERR! error rolling back Error...
New implementation on Windows, falling back to "move then remove" strategy when exponential backoff forEBUSYfails to resolve the situation. Simplified implementation on POSIX, since the Windows affordances are not necessary there. As of 4.3, return/resolve value is boolean instead of undefined. ...
Sync methods are only relevant forrimraf.sync(), of course. For example: varmyCustomFS=require('some-custom-fs')rimraf('some-thing',myCustomFS,callback) maxBusyTries If anEBUSY,ENOTEMPTY, orEPERMerror code is encountered on Windows systems, then rimraf will retry with a linear backoff wa...
If anEBUSY,ENOTEMPTY, orEPERMerror code is encountered on Windows systems, then rimraf will retry with a linear backoff wait of 100ms longer on each try. The default maxBusyTries is 3. Only relevant for async usage. emfileWait If anEMFILEerror is encountered, then rimraf will retry repeat...
maxBusyTries If anEBUSY,ENOTEMPTY, orEPERMerror code is encountered on Windows systems, then rimraf will retry with a linear backoff wait of 100ms longer on each try. The default maxBusyTries is 3. Only relevant for async usage.
fuse.unmount(mountPath, function (err) { if (err) { console.log('filesystem at ' + mountPath + ' not unmounted', err) } else { console.log('filesystem at ' + mountPath + ' unmounted') } }) }) See also fs-fuse is a wrapper module build on top of fuse-bindings that allow ...