"ProxyAuthenticationRequired": 407, "RequestTimeout": 408, "Conflict": 409, "Gone": 410, "LengthRequired": 411, "PreconditionFailed": 412, "RequestEntityTooLarge": 413, "RequestUriTooLong": 414, "UnsupportedMediaType": 415, "RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable": 416, "ExpectationFailed": 417, "...
This sets the body size limit (default:1mb). If the body size is larger than the specified (or default) limit, a413 Request Entity Too Largeerror will be returned. Seebytes.jsfor a list of supported formats. app.use('/proxy',proxy('www.google.com',{limit:'5mb'})); ...
"ProxyAuthenticationRequired": 407, "RequestTimeout": 408, "Conflict": 409, "Gone": 410, "LengthRequired": 411, "PreconditionFailed": 412, "RequestEntityTooLarge": 413, "RequestUriTooLong": 414, "UnsupportedMediaType": 415, "RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable": 416, "ExpectationFailed": 417, "...
code E413 npm ERR! 413 Request Entity Too Large - PUT http://<verdaccio>/<module> npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: npm ERR! C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\_logs\2019-09-11T19_23_46_569Z-debug.log ...
Boom.entityTooLarge([message], [data])Returns a 413 Request Entity Too Large error where:message - optional message. data - optional additional error data.Boom.entityTooLarge('too big');Generates the following response payload:{ "statusCode": 413, "error": "Request Entity Too Large", "...
~_~varerrvarmsg// 默认状态码500varstatus=500varprops={}// 遍历参数、处理err、msg、status、propsfor(vari=0;i<arguments.length;i++){vararg=arguments[i]if(arginstanceofError){// 如果是Error实例、存储err、statuserr=arg// status: 状态码、这里status有可能是字符串status=err.status||err.status...
默认情况下,将所有错误输出到 stderr,除非app.silent为true。 当err.status是404或err.expose是true时默认错误处理程序也不会输出错误。 要执行自定义错误处理逻辑,如集中式日志记录,您可以添加一个 “error” 事件侦听器: app.on('error', err => { log.error('server error', err) }); ...
413- RequestEntityTooLarge 414- RequestUriTooLong 415- UnsupportedMediaType 416- RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable 417- ExpectationFailed 418- IAmATeapot 420- EnhanceYourCalm 422- UnprocessableEntity 423- Locked 424- FailedDependency 426- UpgradeRequired ...
[413]RequestEntityTooLargeError: Request Entity Too Large [414]RequestURITooLargeError: Request-URI Too Large [415]UnsupportedMediaTypeError: Unsupported Media Type [416]RequestedRangeNotSatisfiableError: Requested Range Not Satisfiable [417]ExpectationFailedError: Expectation Failed ...
entity.too.large This error will occur when thelimitoption is specified, but the stream has an entity that is larger. request.aborted This error will occur when the request stream is aborted by the client before reading the body has finished. ...