>npm install -g dts-gen>npm install -g yargs>dts-gen -m yargs This will generate a fileyargs.d.ts. Here's what it looks like export=yargs;declarefunctionyargs(processArgs:any,cwd:any):any;declarenamespaceyargs{const$0:string;constargv:{$0:string;// ... more ...
proto generate typescript dictionary type file. Latest version: 0.20.0, last published: a year ago. Start using proto-gen-dts in your project by running `npm i proto-gen-dts`. There is 1 other project in the npm registry using proto-gen-dts.
Generate these by runningnpx dts-gen --dt --name <my-package> --template module. See all options at dts-gen. If you have.d.tsfiles besidesindex.d.ts, make sure that they are referenced either inindex.d.tsor the tests. Definitely Typed members routinely monitor for new PRs, though ke...
See all options at dts-gen. If you have .d.ts files besides index.d.ts, make sure that they are referenced either in index.d.ts or the tests. Definitely Typed members routinely monitor for new PRs, though keep in mind that the number of other PRs may slow things down. For a good...
在新建一个 index.d.ts,也可以通过第三方插件 dts-gen 自动生成。 JS 库必须要提供类型声明文件,才能在 TS环境使用。 类型声明文件的主文件名与JS库文件的主文件名相同,后缀为 d.ts。比如库的文件名为 index.js,则类型声明文件名为 index.d.ts
希望达到的效果在terminal 终端 中 运行 node test.js 命令, 相当于运行了 dtsgen --help 命令,dtsgen是npm安装的全局命令。
可以利用node 的子进程调用系统命令解决const exec = require('child_process').exec;const cmdStr = 'dtsgen -V';exec(cmdStr, function(err,stdout,stderr){ if(err) { console.log('get weather api error:'+stderr); } else { console.log(stdout); }}); ...
可以利用node 的子进程调用系统命令解决const exec = require('child_process').exec;const cmdStr = 'dtsgen -V';exec(cmdStr, function(err,stdout,stderr){ if(err) { console.log('get weather api error:'+stderr); } else { console.log(stdout); }}); ...
test-dts .editorconfig .fixpackrc .gitattributes .gitignore .npmignore .npmrc .prettierignore .secretlintrc.json .textlintrc.js BACKERS.md CHANGELOG.md CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md LICENSE README.md api-extractor.json docsgen.config.js eslint.config.mjs package.json pnpm-lock.yaml pnpm-workspace.yaml ...
Version: Deno 2.1.6 The script being run from package.json "typegen": "sanity schema extract --path=src/sanity/extract.json && sanity typegen generate", The output from running the command with deno task typegen λ deno task typegen Task ...