I've been using the approach of using Vite::asset to load JS or CSS files only needed in certain views, and it works normally while running npm run dev, but after running npm build, whenever I try to open views that are using Vite::asset I receive an error like this example below:...
Hello all, I have deployed a project (laravel, Vuejs with VIte) on linux shared hosting. After installing all the dependencies, i tried to build using npm run build but it gave me error node:events:491thrower;// Unhandled 'error' event^Error: read ENOTCONN attryReadStart(node:net:662:2...
should create tailwind.confing.js file. I am not sure what is the problem few days back it worked for me not it is not working. I have done all the required installations properly npm create vite@latest my-app -- --template react cd my-app npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefix...
Vite 3.0 or newer (4.X recommended) When installing Storybook, use the--builder=viteflag if you do not have avite.configfile at your project root (if you do, the vite builder is chosen automatically). Usage The builder supports both development mode in Storybook and building a static produ...
npm create vite-plugin-web-extension pnpm create vite-plugin-web-extension yarn create vite-plugin-web-extension Development When making changes to this package, you can run the starter kit via thestartscript. You'll likely want to run it against your fork, like so: ...
Describe the bug Creating the app and then building it with sveltekit does not create dist directory; instead it creates these two directories not allowing me to deploy my app online Reproduction npm create vite@latest Steps to reproduce...
对于Npm link 方式,「因为 Npm 和 项目属于不同的项目,它们有自己的 node_modules」,如果组件和应用都使用了同一个依赖,它们会在各自的 node_modules 去查找,如果这个依赖不支持多例,应用就会异常。如果 npm 的编译规则 和应用的编译规则不匹配,也同样会出问题。如下: ...
v-model="modelValue"是错误的,因为这将修改一个只读的属性。直通 Package 器需要对v-model进行脱糖...
Monacoeditor wrapper for easy/one-line integration with anyReactapplication without needing to usewebpack(or any other module bundler) configuration files / plugins. It can be used with apps generated bycreate-react-app,create-snowpack-app,vite,Next.jsor any other app generators -you don't need...
最新消息,Vite目前达到一个里程碑的阶段。 npm周下载量达10万 GitHub star数破2.5万 249位代码贡献者 Discord上成员数超过2500 Stack Overflow发现四分之一访客喜欢ctrl+c Stack Overflow4月1日的愚人节joke 今年愚人节的时候,Stack Overflow给大家开了一个玩笑:对用户复制代码的次数进行收费(不知道的朋友,可以查看...