I've done both by installing Visual Studios express edition and copied the contents of Cairo into a GTK folder. I've also installed node-gyp and updated it, but I am still given this same response from the command prompt. I also tried using this code npm install --msvs_version=2013 an...
我去了,但这不起作用,所以我去了的安装Wiki。我已经安装了Python2.7、Express Visual Studio包和GTK 2,如说明中所写。我还在cmd中运行了npm install -g node-gyp,它似乎没有出现任何错误。在这之后,当我尝试运行npm install canvas<em 浏览5提问于2016-09-02得票数 0 回答已采纳 点击加载更多 扫码 添加站长...
Issue or Feature If this is an issue with installation, I have read the troubleshooting guide. Steps to Reproduce npm i canvas Complete log: 0 verbose cli C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\bin\npm-...
sinazl1楼•2 个月前
Automattic/node-canvas#1701 cclauss commentedon Jul 14, 2022 cclauss on Jul 14, 2022 So can this issue be closed? What exactly do you mean by following this link?@mabramishvili I downloaded GTK bundle fromhttps://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/binaries/win64/gtk+/2.22/gtk+-bundle_2.22.1-201...
newReactNativeappinC:\Users\storm\OneDrive\Documents\_Dev\MobileTrike(node:14640)Warning:Accessingnon-existent property'padLevels'ofmoduleexportsinside circular dependency (Use`node --trace-warnings ...`to show where the warning was created) infoAddingrequired dependencies npmWARNdeprecated request-promise...
问无法在Windows上安装Canvas (npm)EN本文介绍了一种在 Windows 上优雅地安装 Node.js 和 npm 的方法...
node-gypbuild3.安装GTK2,必须是GTK2,不能是GTK3, 下载GTK2之后,直接解压至C:\GTK 注意:下载GTK压缩包时,应下载与node操作系统相同的版本,32位或者64位,否则将会报错; 4.在普通cmd下使用npminstall-g canvas 安装canvas 5.如果依旧报错在node-gyp根目录下创建binding.gyp文件我的是在这个目录中创建 C ...
安装canvas node-gyp build 3.安装GTK2,必须是GTK2,不能是GTK3, 下载GTK2之后,直接解压至C:\GTK 注意:下载GTK压缩包时,应下载与node操作系统相同的版本,32位或者64位,否则将会报错...使用以下npm命令安装 npm i -g windows-build-tools来安装所有的环境2.安装node-gyp 安装node-gyp需要配置系统环境,如下...
usable without electron/canvas/html5 - imagine I'm rendering in a native surface like cairo, gtk, etc portable - no surprises - working in latest node.js versions Optionally the frames can be encoded as in jpg/png or even a video created . Also provides simple filtering API. Design summar...