如果“node_modules”文件夹和"package-lock.json或yarn.lock"文件出现故障,也会出现此问题。 如果你使用的是windows,请使用以下命令删除文件夹和这两个文件 #windows rd/s/q "node_modules" del package-lock.json del -f yarn.lock #clean npm cache npm cache clean --force npm install 如果你使用的是ma...
$ npm configsetcache=D:\program\nvm\node-cache# windows要将prefix加到PATH中,否则无法执行全局包的bin# NPM_HOME: D:\program\nvm\node-global# %NPM_HOME%加入PATH中# 设置镜像$ npm configsetregistry=https://registry.npmmirror.com/# 删除配置项$ npm config delete registry .npmrc配置文件:除了使用...
Cache corruption will either trigger an error, or signal to pacote that the data must be refetched, which it will do automatically. For this reason, it should never be necessary to clear the cache for any reason other than reclaiming disk space, thus why clean now requires --force to run...
corepack cache clean Clears the localCOREPACK_HOMEcache directory. corepack cache clear Clears the localCOREPACK_HOMEcache directory. corepack enable [... name] OptionDescription --install-directoryAdd the shims to the specified location This command will detect where Corepack is installed and will cre...
Cache corruption will either trigger an error, or signal to pacote that the data must be refetched, which it will do automatically. For this reason, it should never be necessary to clear the cache for any reason other than reclaiming disk space, thus why clean now requires --force to run...
When you will make "npm install" a new package-lock.json will be create and the next "npm cache clear -force & npm install --force --verbose --no-bin-links" will give you the error "seems to be corrupted" again. This bug seem to be only when you use npm (recent version) on ...
var config = { storageManager: { token: { storageTypes: [ 'localStorage', 'sessionStorage', 'cookie' ], }, cache: { storageTypes: [ 'localStorage', 'sessionStorage', 'cookie' ] }, transaction: { storageTypes: [ 'sessionStorage', 'localStorage', 'cookie' ] } } } Important: If neithe...
npm cacheclear&&rm-rf node_modules && npminstall npm ls 和 npm uninstal删除已安装的package. npm ls packagewitherror将列出有问题的那个package安装在哪里,这样你就可以直接到那个目录重新单独安装那个pacakge,调查不能安装成功的原因 [cabox@box-codeanywhere npmtest]$ npminstall--save lodash ...
使用npm cache clear可以清空NPM本地缓存,用于对付使用相同版本号发布新版本代码的人。使用npm unpublish <package>@<version>可以撤销发布自己发布过的某个版本代码。 4.9、更换NPM 镜像 因为npm的服务器在国外,在网络状态不好的情况下引入一个模块会因为网络延迟而失败,可以更换成国内速度更快的镜像服务器,这里以...
npm uninstall -g vsts-npm-auth Clear your npm cache: Copy npm cache clean --force Delete your .npmrc file. Reinstall vsts-npm-auth: Copy npm install -g vsts-npm-auth --registry https://registry.npmjs.com --always-auth false Unable...