"watch": { "build": { "ignore": "build", ... } ... } Or an array if you want to ignore multiple globs: "watch": { "build": { "ignore": [ "build", "node_modules" ], ... } ... } quiet Boolean to hide the script name in any output on stdout and stderr ...
npm i watch-and-build -g pnpm add watch-and-build -g yarn global add watch-and-build API# Options src/runner.ts#L7 # constructor(options) src/runner.ts#L16 # new Options() Options # options = {} Partial<Options> # command = [] src/runner.ts#L10 string [] # kill...
现在我们可以配置打包命令了,在package.json中,配置命令 "s": { "build": "rollup -c", "serve": "rollup -c -w" } -c:代表读取配置去打包,默认读取根目录下的babel.config.js -w:代表了 watch 监听,调试的时候可以用~ 运行npm run build之后,我们可以看到打包成两个版本 dist:产物是 Commonjs 模块...
Description I would expect live refresh/ watch mode from npm run build-dev Fix is Version 3.0 Testing Instructions No response Screenshots / Screencast No response Possible Workaround const { merge } = require('webpack-merge'); const com...
"watch": { "build": { "ignore": "build", ... } ... } Or an array if you want to ignore multiple globs: "watch": { "build": { "ignore": [ "build", "node_modules" ], ... } ... } quiet Boolean to hide the script name in any output on stdout and stderr ...
或者在 package.json 文件中 script 下修改添加 --watch.代码如下所示: 复制 "build":"webpack --watch" 1. 控制台再次执行 npm run build,你会发现这次控制台不会结束了,会一直开启着,详情请看下图: 图片 当我们修改文件内容的时候,watch 会监听着文件变化,如下图终端所示: ...
就重新执行构建"watch:css":"watch 'npm run build:css' assets/styles/",// 只要 HTML 文件有变动,就重新执行构建"watch:html":"watch 'npm run build:html' assets/html",// 部署到 Amazon S3"deploy:prod":"s3-cli sync ./dist/ s3://example-com/prod-site/",// 构建 favicon"build:favicon"...
npm run build 全局包 还有一类npm包比较特殊,是通过npm i -g [pkg]进行全局安装的,比如常用的vue create、static-server、pm2等命令,都是通过全局命令安装的;那么全局npm包如何开发呢? 我们来实现一个全局命令的计算器功能,新建一个项目然后运行: cd my-calc ...
在灰色区域,期望是自动化的,而不是写一下代码,重新 build 一下, 那自动监听更新文件可以用一下 nodemon 。 nodemon 可以来监视文件更改并执行对应的命令。 代码语言:javascript 复制 nodemon--ignore dist/# 忽略目录--ignore node_modules/--watch projects # 观察目录-C# 只在变更后执行,首次启动不执行命令-e...
"grunt-contrib-watch": "^0.6.1", "grunt-filerev": "^2.1.2", "grunt-google-cdn": "^0.4.3", "grunt-jscs": "^1.8.0", "grunt-newer": "^1.1.0", "grunt-ng-annotate": "^0.9.2", "grunt-postcss": "^0.5.5", "grunt-svgmin": "^2.0.0", ...