This is a minimap component for Vue Flow. It can be used to add a minimap to the canvas, which will show a smaller version of the canvas with your nodes. The minimap can also be used to pan and zoom the main canvas.. Latest version: 1.5.2, last published
#install$ yarn add @vue-flow/controls#or$ npm i --save @vue-flow/controls 🎮 Quickstart import{VueFlow}from'@vue-flow/core'import{Controls}from'@vue-flow/controls'//import default controls stylesimport'@vue-flow/controls/dist/style.css'importinitialElementsfrom'./initial-elements'//some...
使用方式和vue-super-flow相同。 仅做了v3的移植和部分问题修复,以及添加一些特定新功能。 A flowchart editor component base on Vue. Vue flowchart. Vue 流程图。 Demo docs Installation npm install vue3-super-flow yarn add vue3-super-flow import{SuperFlow}from'vue3-super-flow'import'vue3-super-flow...
Most of the core team members, webpack contributors and contributors in the ecosystem do this open source work in their free time. If you use webpack for a serious task, and you'd like us to invest more time on it, please donate. This project increases your income/productivity too. It...
vue项目 npm install 安装依赖 特别慢 解决办法 使用NPM(Node.js包管理工具)安装依赖时速度特别慢,为了安装Express,执行命令后两个多小时都没安装成功,最后只能取消安装,笔者20M带宽,应该不是我网络的原因,后来在网上找了好久才找到一种最佳解决办法, 在安装时可以手动指定从哪个镜像服务器获取资源,我们可以使用阿里巴...
Why such a long delay on updating the core documentation repository? In the second half of 2023, I focused extensively on creating documentation repositories, and decided to wait until the flow of new data became very low before updating the documentation repository (which as of writing this draf...
vue-x6-editor-demo master分支为兼容IE的写法; 不需要兼容IE可以参考分支es6 Star 1 Fork 1 捐赠 0 人次 简介 测试vue-flow-editor 使用 npm 引入的示例工程 暂无标签 JavaScript 等3 种语言 发行版 暂无发行版 贡献者 (2) 全部 近期动态 11个月前推送了新的提交到 es6 分支,9fdf58c.....
Instead, either use observable maps or use the the built-in utility functions to read / write / iterate objects that you want to dynamically add properties to. For more details see the caveats page. Flow support MobX ships with flow typings. Flow will automatically include them when you ...
任务并发调度(Function Flow Runtime) 如何在Native侧C++子线程直接调用ArkTS接口,不用通过ArkTS侧触发回调 ArkTS层调用Native层接口时的线程相关问题 Native侧获取env具有线程限制,如何在C++子线程触发ArkTS侧回调 如何在C++调用从ArkTS传递过来的function 如何在Native侧调用ArkTS侧异步方法,并获取异步计算结果...
任务并发调度(Function Flow Runtime) 如何在Native侧C++子线程直接调用ArkTS接口,不用通过ArkTS侧触发回调 ArkTS层调用Native层接口时的线程相关问题 Native侧获取env具有线程限制,如何在C++子线程触发ArkTS侧回调 如何在C++调用从ArkTS传递过来的function 如何在Native侧调用ArkTS侧异步方法,并获取异步计算结果...