We demonstrate that the contextuality of measurement selection can enhance the precision of quantum metrology with a simple linear optical experiment. Contextuality is a nonclassical property known as a resource for various quantum information processing tasks. Recent studies show that contextuality by anoma...
Quantum imaging can beat classical resolution limits, imposed by the diffraction of light. In particular, it is known that one can reduce the image blurring and increase the achievable resolution by illuminating an object by entangled light and measuring
The scope of npj Quantum Information spans across all relevant disciplines, fields, approaches and levels and so considers outstanding work ranging from fundamental research to applications and technologies. Fields covered include, but are not limited to, quantum computing and quantum communication, includ...
The precision limit in quantum state tomography is of great interest not only to practical applications but also to foundational studies. However, little is known about this subject in the multiparameter setting even theoretically due to the subtle information trade-off among incompatible observables....
Time-series processing is a major challenge in machine learning with enormous progress in the last years in tasks such as speech recognition and chaotic series prediction. A promising avenue for sequential data analysis is quantum machine learning, with
As non-renewable cultural heritages, murals have important implications in historical customs, religions, and philosophy as well as their aesthetic values. Recently, many murals are threatened by natural factors and human activities. During the past deca
Wagle DV, Deakyne CA, Baker GA. Quantum chemical insight into the interactions and thermodynamics present in choline chloride based deep eutectic solvents. J Phys Chem B. 2016;120(27):6739–46. ArticleCASGoogle Scholar Simeonov SP, Afonso CAM. Basicity and stability of urea deep eutectic mixt...
Scope npj Quantum Materials is an open access journal that publishes works that significantly advance the understanding of quantum materials, including their fundamental properties, fabrication and applications. The set of journals have been ranked according to their SJR and divided into four equal groups...
Future-proofing current fibre networks with quantum key distribution (QKD) is an attractive approach to combat the ever growing breaches of data theft. To succeed, this approach must offer broadband transport of quantum keys, efficient quantum key delive
npj Quantum Information volume 7, Article number: 39 (2021) Cite this article 5670 Accesses 16 Citations 11 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract Quantum sensing exploits the strong sensitivity of quantum systems to measure small external signals. The nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center in diamond is one of...