JCR分区:1区 中科院分区:大小类均为2区 影响因子 npj Parkinson's Disease拥有影响因子的时间并不长,2020年才获得第一个影响因子6.75分,此后更是实现影响因子的三连涨,2020-2022年的SCI影响因子分别为6.75、8.651、9.304。 目前,这本杂志2020,2021年的文章在2022年的总引用数为1315次(截止06月09日),文章数目是...
期刊名称:NPJ PARKINSONS DISEASE 另可提供SCI论文发表及建议,论文翻译,润色,格式排版,论文查重检测,稿件参考文献引用(高倍引)等服务 研究方向:Parkinson's Disease ISSN:2373-8057 E-ISSN:2373-8057 影响因子:6.750 分区:中科院2区;JCR: 检索类型:Article 检索情况:SCI检索 语种:英语 审稿周期:约3个月左右...
帕金森病(Parkinson's disease,PD)是一种以黑质多巴胺能神经元选择性、渐进性大量变性缺失为主要病理改变的神经系统变性疾病,其主要病理特征之一是残存神经元中的嗜酸性包涵体——路易小体,主要由a-突触共核蛋白(a-Synuclein,a-Syn...
近日,中南大学湘雅医院神经内科、国家老年疾病临床医学研究中心(湘雅医院)刘振华副教授、唐北沙教授团队与南华大学附属第一医院神经内科武衡教授团队合作在NPJ Parkinson's Disease以论著形式在线发表了题为Mutational spectrum and clinical featu...
【新闻】神经内科汪锡金团队在npj Parkinson’s Disease发表论文 近日,同济大学附属同济医院神经内科汪锡金教授在Nature 合作期刊npj Parkinson’s Disease杂志在线发表最新研究成果“High PSQI score is associated with the development of dyskinesia in Parkinson’s disease”,提出睡眠障碍(Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index...
【新闻】靳令经团队在npj Parkinson’s Disease发表论文,提出帕金森病躯干姿势异常评估新指标 2022年8月2日,同济大学附属同济医院、同济大学附属养志康复医院靳令经教授团队,联合科大讯飞苏州研究院支洪平研究团队,在nature合作期刊npj parkinson’s disease杂志线上发表了最新研究成果“a summary index derived from ...
Evolution of the number of total citation per document and external citation per document (i.e. journal self-citations removed) received by a journal's published documents during the three previous years. External citations are calculated by subtracting the number of self-citations from the total...
npj Parkinson's Disease makes all content freely available to all researchers worldwide, ensuring maximum dissemination of content through the nature.com platform. Content is published continually online to provide timely communication to the community and keep publication times to a minimum. Publishing ...
Find the latest research in npj Parkinson's Disease, an open access, peer reviewed journal with a 6.7 Impact Factor and 11 days to first decision.
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is affecting about 1.2 million patients in Europe with a prevalence that is expected to have an exponential increment, in the next decades. This epidemiological evolution will be challenged by the low number of neurologists able