其中,自然合作期刊(nature partner journals, npj)系列是Nature Portfolio旗下开放获取形式的一系列在线出版物,旨在发表高质量、经同行评审的研究论文,以服务全球科研界。该系列很多杂志上线2-3年已经取得了令人瞩目的成绩。日前,该系列推出了...
其中,自然合作期刊(nature partner journals, npj)系列是Nature Portfolio旗下开放获取形式的一系列在线出版物,旨在发表高质量、经同行评审的研究论文,以服务全球科研界。该系列很多杂志上线2-3年已经取得了令人瞩目的成绩。日前,该系列推出了一本新的代谢学杂志——《npj代谢健康与疾病》(npj Metabolic Health and Di...
npj Metabolic Health and Disease invites submissions for a thematic Collection on “Metabolic control of aging and metabolism” led by Jane Reznick! Collection: Lipid metabolism in the liver npj Metabolic Health and Disease invites submissions for a thematic Collection on “Lipid metabolism in the li...
cardiovascular health. Alterations in arterial compliance correlate with changes in the composition of the arterial wall, such as the ratio of elastic fibers to collagen and the accumulation of disease-related deposits, or changes in muscle tone. A decrease in AC2, indicating poorer small artery com...
npj Gut and Liver是 Nature Portfolio 旗下最新推出的胃肠病学领域开放获取期刊,致力于发表探索肝胆、胰腺和胃肠道疾病各个方面的研究。目前,npj Gut and Liver的最新专辑 “Mechanisms and management of metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease”正接受投稿,征集探索代谢功能障碍相关脂肪肝病(MASLD)...
npj Gut and Liver是 Nature Portfolio 旗下最新推出的胃肠病学领域开放获取期刊,致力于发表探索肝胆、胰腺和胃肠道疾病各个方面的研究。目前,npj Gut and Liver的最新专辑 “Mechanisms and management of metabolic dysfunction-associated st...
Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome 2290 2790 1990 European Review of Aging and Physical Activity 2390 2790 1990 Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2290 2790 1990 International Journal of Emergency Medicine 2290 2790 1990 Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 2290 2790 1990 Journal of Occupational ...
npj Gut and Liver 是 Nature Portfolio 旗下最新推出的胃肠病学领域开放获取期刊,致力于发表探索肝胆、胰腺和胃肠道疾病各个方面的研究。目前,npj Gut and Liver 的最新专辑 “Mechanisms and management of metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease”正接受投稿,征集探索代谢功能障碍相关脂肪肝病(...
After glucose metabolism, dietary carbohydrates produce energy and organic acids as metabolic by-products50. The acid-producing activity ofS. mutansis not only a critical factor contributing to its pathogenicity but also a crucial characteristic leading to dental caries. Bacteria enolase, an enzyme enc...
“an illness state characterized by allostatic overload and failing responses of the organism to infection and other types of environmental stress”. This viewpoint suggests that excessive inflammatory responses, such as cytokine storms, in sepsis or septicemia can lead to multiple organ metabolic ...