LO local osillator, BS beamsplitter, PD photon detector. b Schematic of the quantum comb. Each pair of signal modes beating with the same LO comb tooth (purple line) for the same intermediate frequency is entangled, indicated by a black dashed line connecting a pair of purple circles. c ...
Abbreviations: DBS, deep brain stimulation; GPe/i, globus pallidus externus/internus; IBO, ibotenic acid; MPTP, 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine; MCx, primary motor cortex; NHP, non-human primate; PD, Parkinson’s disease; SNr, substantia nigra pars reticulata; STN, subthalamic...
0.8).bExamples of the ground state configurationsonlyidentified through the finer MLFF+DFT search. These reconstructions are driven by either forming a dimer (e.g. Te–Te bond formation), forming a more favourable anion–anion bond (Te–Te instead of Se–Te; Se–Te instead of Se–Se)...
b The confusion matrices visualize the performance of the Llama 2 models with 7 billion, 13 billion and 70 billion parameters in retrieving the presence or absence of the five features ascites, abdominal pain, shortness of breath, confusion and liver cirrhosis in all n = 500 medical ...
Fig. 3: Conceptual view of various external triggers to modify features in GMR and TMR spintronic sensors. These changes can be induced by: (a) Electrical fields, either using electrical current for spin-orbit torque or voltage-controlled magnetic anisotropy; (b) Strain into magnetoelastic materi...
Fig. 3: Polarization characterization of metasurfaces. a Polarization representation using the Poincaré sphere and definition of the polarization ellipse parameters. b Schematic of division-of-time setup consisting of a single detector (Det.) and PSA but where measurements are done consecutively after...
1b], whereas the remaining 52 genes exhibited PD associations and classified as PD-linked-genes. (3) To identify genes with functions, we filtered PD-unlinked-genes using data from the PD transcriptome meta-analysis and TWAS, with 12 genes (unexploited candidate genes) remaining for the last ...
aThe polycrystals used in this work were obtained from the database in ref.37and further annealed and relaxed.bSOAP feature vectors are constructed for grain boundary site samplings via principal component analysis140,141,142cand sampled via K-means clustering143,144d. The sites near K-means cent...
Fig. 3: E-skin-based HWDs. a A graphene electronic tattoo (GET) embossed on the forearm. b A comparison of ECG acquired using GET and commercial ECG monitor from chest. c EMG signals using GET from forearm. d EEG values using GET from forehead and frequency response of EEG during open...