Taxonomy: This code classifies the provider’s specialty or area of service. Providers can apply for additional taxonomy codes as their practice evolves. The state license number linked to the taxonomy is also displayed. Other Identifiers: This section links NPIs with Medicare, Medicaid, and other...
2providertaxonomycodesandhighlightedthecodesrelevanttopublicly-fundedbehavioralhealthto assistyouwithyourapplication.Youcanalsoreferto.wpc-edi/codes/taxonomyforany updatestothetaxonomycodesandinformation.Duringtheon-lineapplication,the taxonomy codes must be selected from a drop-down list. You should know ahead...
If you cannot locate an appropriate taxonomy code, you may provide a written description of your specialty in the space provided on the electronic or paper application, and you will be assigned the closest appropriate code. What are “Taxonomy Codes?” To facilitate your registration, the taxono...
NPIViewer allows healthcare organizations to quickly and easily turn partial provider data into complete provider records ready for use in their health care information system, EMR, or claims processing system.
Free of charge medical data services, including npi lookup, patient referrals, PECOS, UPIN, reverse phone, Data analytics solutions. Find information on any health care provider or organization that has an National Provider Identifier as well as referral
Taxonomy Codes are an administrative code set for identifying the provider type and area of specialization for health care providers. They are alphanumeric and are ten characters in length. Taxonomy codes allow providers to identify their specialty. A provider can have more than one ...
npidhstutorialtaxonomynppesprovider 1 NationalProviderIdentifier Thispresentationprovidesinformationonthefederal requirementfortheNationalProviderIdentifier(NPI), andhowDHSwillimplementthisrequirement. Wehopeyoufindthisinformationuseful. 2 WhatisNPI? ItismandatedbytheAdministrativeSimplification provisionsofthefederalHealth...