NPI Number Lookup from NPI Registry for Physicians in all states of USA. Find NPI Number, EIN Number, Practice Address and Contact Details for all Doctors
occupational therapists, pharmacy technicians, athletic trainers etc.) or organizations (hospitals, home health care agencies, nursing homes, residential treatment centers, group practices, laboratories, pharmacies, medical equipment companies, etc.) must obtain an NPI for use in all HIPAA standard transa...
occupational therapists, pharmacy technicians, athletic trainers etc.) or organizations (hospitals, home health care agencies, nursing homes, residential treatment centers, group practices, laboratories, pharmacies, medical equipment companies, etc.) must obtain an NPI for use in all HIPAA standard transa...
Free and Fast NPI Lookup - Get the NPI Number of doctors & physicians from the NPI Registry. Search from over 8.5 million doctors and health care providers nationwide.
Free of charge medical data services, including npi lookup, patient referrals, PECOS, UPIN, reverse phone, Data analytics solutions. Find information on any health care provider or organization that has an National Provider Identifier as well as referral
The NPPES NPI Registry is a free, government-managed tool that allows users to perform an NPI lookup for individual providers or organizations. This resource is available to anyone and can assist healthcare entities in verifying provider data. To perform a search, users can enter an NPI number...
Looking up NPI numbers made simple. Our free NPI lookup allows you to easily search our verified database of NPI numbers for doctors, healthcare providers, and medical professionals. Instantly find accurate NPI info with our fast and reliable search engi