Free and Fast NPI Lookup - Get the NPI Number of doctors & physicians from the NPI Registry. Search from over 8.5 million doctors and health care providers nationwide.
Free of charge medical data services, including npi lookup, patient referrals, PECOS, UPIN, reverse phone, Data analytics solutions. Find information on any health care provider or organization that has an National Provider Identifier as well as referral
Thousands of users a day use our site to lookup NPI, UPIN, ICD-9, Medicare Allowables and Medigap numbers. Start your search now!
Understanding NPI Lookup Results NPI: A unique 10-digit identifier assigned to the provider during the NPI application process. Enumeration Date: The date the NPI was issued. NPI Type: Indicates whether the NPI is Type 1 (individual) or Type 2 (organization). Status: Shows if the NPI is ...
279 doctors found. Showing 1 - 20 (sorted by last name) Ronald W Centric, D.O. Psychiatry & Neurology - Psychiatry NPI Number:1396845921 Address:343 Fairview Dr, Suite 104, Carson City, NV, 89701 Phone:775-887-0703Fax:-- Bruce A. Spero, MD ...
About NPI (National Provider Identifier) Service. Usage of site materials. This service has been created in 2007 in response to the increasing demand of Healthcare community in having reliable source of NPI (National Provider Identifier) number Lookup and Database services. In case you like the ...
Reno (32) Sparks (2) All Cities in NV Ophthalmology Doctors NPI in Nevada 138 doctors found. Showing 1 - 20 (sorted by last name) Dr. Michael Derek Westafer, M.D. Ophthalmology NPI Number:1033473913 Address:3475 Gs Richards Blvd # 130, , Carson City, NV, 89703 ...
Subroutine Lookup Network: Feed-Forward Network (f_prog), takes LSTM Controller hidden stateh_tand outputs a key embeddingk_tto look up next subroutine to be called. Subroutine information is stored in two matrices, M_key (N x K), and M_prog (N x P), where each of the N rows denot...
lookup-only - If true, only checks if cache entry exists and skips download. Default: false Outputs cache-hit - A boolean value to indicate an exact match was found for the key. cache-primary-key - Cache primary key passed in the input to use in subsequent steps of the workflow. cache...
v2.32.0, contributed by 74 people, 19 of which are new faces [*]. As can be seen here, it turns out that this release does not have many end-user facing changes and new features, but a lot of fixes and internal improvements went into the codebase during this cycle. ...