We hypothesize that these mutations lead to defective cilia-based signaling, required for normal development of the renal, pancreatic, biliary and portal system. This report outlines a rare neonatal ciliopathy presentation of NPHP3 mutations leading to severe multiorgan failure in two siblings....
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品系描述 在Nphp4基因目的exons两侧分别插入loxP位点。该flox小鼠可与组织特异性Cre工具鼠交配,获得在特定细胞类型或组织中敲除Nphp4基因的小鼠模型。 *使用本品系发表的文献需注明: Nphp4-Flox mice (Cat. NO. 待定) were purchased from Shanghai Model Organisms Center, Inc.. ...
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【GS PORTALAC BATTERY】 【日本電池株式會社】 【日本GS电池】日本原装进口 Welcome To JAPANSTORAGE BATTERY CO.,LTD. JAPAN STORAGE BATTERY CO.,LTD. is an Americansubsidiary of GS Yuasa Corporation of Japan, the world leader inmotorcycle and standby storage batteries, which serves the powersports, ...
GS PORTALAC蓄电池PE12V18 汤浅电瓶12V18AH 直流屏 消防系统 UPS电源 储能型 山东恒泰正宇电源科技有限公司 4年 查看详情 ¥221.11/只 山东济南 日本GS PORTALAC蓄电池PXL12050/12V5AH进口音响电池营销中心 品牌GSPORTALAC 山东亿创电子科技有限公司 4年 查看详情 ¥260.00/只 北京 日本GS-YUASA蓄电池PXL1...
【GS PORTALAC BATTERY】 【日本電池株式會社】 【日本GS电池】 日本* Welcome ToJAPAN STORAGE BATTERY CO.,LTD. JAPAN STORAGE BATTERY CO.,LTD. is an American subsidiary of GS Yuasa Corporation of Japan, the world leader in motorcycle and standby storage batteries, which serves the power sports, ...
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6. Differential effects of oral peripheral intravenous and intraportal glucose on hepatic glucose uptake and insulin and glucagon extraction in conscious dogs. [O] . T Ishida, Z Chap, J Chou, 1983 机译:口服外周静脉内和门静脉内葡萄糖对清醒犬的肝葡萄糖摄取以及胰岛素和胰高血糖素提取的不同作用...
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