{using(varwriter = con.BeginBinaryImport("COPY teachers (first_name, last_name, subject, salary) FROM STDIN (FORMAT BINARY)")) {foreach(varteacherinteachers) {awaitwriter.StartRowAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);awaitwriter.WriteAsync(teacher.FirstName, NpgsqlTypes.NpgsqlDbType.Varchar).ConfigureAwait...
BeginBinaryImport("COPY data (field_text, field_int2) FROM STDIN (FORMAT BINARY)")) { writer.StartRow(); writer.Write("Hello"); writer.Write(8, NpgsqlDbType.Smallint); writer.StartRow(); writer.Write("Goodbye"); writer.WriteNull(); writer.Complete(); } // Export two columns to ...
COPY {table} ({cols}) FROM STDIN ... Member Author roji commented Sep 12, 2016 Yeah, the COPY API requires you to know what you're doing. I actually thought about removing the option to read/write in the COPY api without explicitly specifying the NpgsqlDbType to make people think ...
conn.BeginBinaryImport("COPY data (field_text, field_int4) FROM STDIN BINARY"); }using(varconn =newNpgsqlConnection(ConnectionString)) { conn.Open(); ExecuteNonQuery("CREATE TEMP TABLE data (field_text TEXT, field_int2 SMALLINT, field_int4 INTEGER)", conn); ...
ExecuteNonQuery("TRUNCATE data");using(varoutStream = Conn.BeginRawBinaryCopy("COPY data (field_text, field_int4) FROM STDIN BINARY")) { StateAssertions(); outStream.Write(data,0, len); } Assert.That(ExecuteScalar("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM DATA"), Is.EqualTo(iterations)); ...
CREATETYPEmy_custom_typeAS(f1int, f2text);CREATETABLEaTable( idserialprimary key, custom_col my_custom_type ) Running the following BeginBinaryImport results in an error message: using(varwriter=conn.BeginBinaryImport($"COPY\"public\".\"aTable\"(\"id\",\"custom_col\") FROM STDIN (FORM...
I get exception when I'm using binary importer. I have tried to make binary importer asynchronous. After that exception gone away. using (var writer = con.BeginBinaryImport($"COPY {tableWithSchema} ({columns}) FROM STDIN (FORMAT BINARY)"...
1.装好Postgres 2.开启远程访问 配置postgresql.conf文件 listen_addresses = '*' 配置pg_hba.conf...